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Bulletproof Yourself With These Healthy Food and Drinks

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So many things to do, so little energy.

If these words sound familiar to you, then you are not alone.

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”

There is truth in what Hippocrates, the “Father of Modern Medicine”, once said. Let what you eat be your medicine because if you choose healthy food, then you are already taking steps in protecting your body from ailments.

In this busy world, there are so many things that demand your attention. However, there are times when you easily feel exhausted. Sometimes it does get too hard to deal with your things-to-do when you’re already tired in the middle of the day.

That is why it would be good to make a habit of choosing to lead a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise and proper diet. Here are some of the healthier choices when you want to bulletproof yourself from sickness:

Health Bars

If you are living an on-the-go lifestyle, you really do not have much time to spend poring over recipe books and cooking up healthy food. As much as you’d want to, you simply do not have the luxury to leisurely eat at home.

For those who have to usually dine and dash (or for those who just want to have a quick healthy snack), health bars are heaven-sent solutions. These quick energy foods provide a much-needed boost of power that helps keep you stay full and focused.

For example, Bulletproof’s Fudge Brownie Collagen Protein Bars are made from carefully sourced ingredients that make this handy treat power-packed with protein. This versatile snack can also be a good ingredient in quick treats like a Fudge Brownie Berry Crumble.

What’s more, it has collagen that helps in giving you smoother and more hydrated skin, stronger joints, and aids in faster recovery. These bars also contain quality fats like Brain Octane® which is a brain-powering, high-octane fat extracted from a coconut’s most potent parts.

Other flavor choices are Choco Chip Cookie Dough, Vanilla Shortbread, and Lemon Cookie. There are also chocolate fuel bars that come in Original Dark and Himalayan Sea Salt.

Cold Brews

Some people cannot get on their day without having their cup of coffee. Hot or cold, they must have a cuppa to fuel the day ahead. Some prefer the convenience of cold brews, however, as there is no waiting to brew. Simply open and pour, and they get the daily dose of their power drink.

However, unknown to many, good old coffee can also contain energy-sapping mold toxins. This robs you of mental agility, which is the opposite of what you need.

With Bulletproof Coffee Cold Brews, you get clean coffee that has gone through small-batch brewing. The brewing process also uses triple-filtered water and low-temperature extraction so you can enjoy a smooth and bold drink with low acidity and almost no bitterness.

Aside from containing Brain Octane® oil, this delicious cold brew also has butter sourced from grass-fed cows. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids like ALA and EPA which are good for your heart, muscles, and other organs. They serve as building blocks for cell membranes as well as your body’s energy storage. It also has zero sugar so there’s no worry about having a sugar crash.

Best drink when chilled, these cold brews come in dark chocolate, mocha, vanilla, vanilla latte, and original flavors.


Water is said to be one of the best drinks you can take to hydrate your body. Bulletproof takes it a step further by coming up with FATwater, a refreshing drink that powers you up.

When you want to have a cool, tasty, and refreshing thirst quencher, grab a bottle of grapefruit, lemon, or pineapple FATwater. This bottle of pure, deionized water has micro-droplets of Brain Octane® oil for fast energy production. It is easily absorbed by the body and is converted into a unique energy source called “ketone bodies”, that, unlike excess energy from most fuels, cannot be stored as fat.

FATwater is also fortified with B vitamins, nutrients that support energy production at the cellular level. It is also sugar-free and has only 20 calories per bottle.

Keep It Up

With the responsibly sourced ingredients, nutrients, proteins, and healthy fats in these bars and beverages, you can eat and drink without feeling guilty.

If you are pressed for time, keep in mind that there are handy snacks and drinks that can keep you fueled throughout the day. Even better, with all the healthy ingredients they contain, you can be confident that you are, indeed, bulletproof from sickness.

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