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Green Blog

Hello from London!

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Hello everyone!


I am from England and I have always been madly passionate about nature, wildlife, conservation and sustainability. I am an eco-warrior and hope to spread these positive life ideals. Step by step we can change the behaviour of mankind and do some good in this world. I strongly believe that the many small changes each individual makes in their own lives will have a great combined effect.


It is hard to see the destruction going on all around us and, at times, even harder to see the ignorance of many. That is why I believe it is so important to educate. It is the amazing efforts of forums like this which will impact upon people’s lives and really make a difference.


So with these life ideals in mind, my partner, Charlotte, and I launched an online blog and mindfulness shop. Our blog features young environmentalists and zoologists who will be commenting on different aspects of sustainability, conservation and the natural world at a large. Our shop features artisan products which promote wellbeing and mindfulness whilst being sustainable and at every step eco friendly!


So Hello everyone! It is lovely to be a part of this forum and I look forward to learning from all of the wonderful people that make up this community. I hope (fingers crossed) that I and my writers might be able to contribute and help others also.



Founder of Japa - a mindful life


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