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The Great Big Green Week


Community Calendar

The Great Big Green Week 8th - 16th June 2024.

Celebrating community action against climate change. 

Find an event near you in the UK: https://greatbiggreenweek.com/find-an-event/


The Great Big Green Week is the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. 

Every year, people come together to unleash a wave of support for action to protect the planet. Tens of thousands of people in every corner of the country celebrate the heartfelt, brave, everyday actions being taken to stand up for nature and fight climate change.

In 2024, Great Big Green Week will take place between 8th and 16th June.


Great Big Green Week sees all kinds of events take place. For 2024, we’ll be celebrating swaps – from clothes or book swaps, to skill swaps in allotments or upcycling workshops, to knowledge swaps on discussion panels or wildlife reserves.

Events are hosted by teachers, bus drivers, sport clubs, artists, community groups, places of worship, libraries, builders – anyone who cares about climate change.

Local Green Weeks – Great Big Green Week community hubs – celebrate local activity, raise the profile of climate change and show why it is relevant to the community and local decision makers.


The first Great Big Green Week took place in September 2021, and was the largest event for climate and nature ever seen in the UK. Communities came together once more in September 2022, with over a quarter of a million people getting involved.

In 2023, Great Big Green Week took place in June, and we saw more than a quarter of a million people get involved. National organisations, institutions, businesses and media outlets joined in, ultimately putting pressure on the government to up its game on climate change.

Watch the highlights from Great Big Green Week 2023 below.


By taking action together at the same time in every corner of the country, politicians will be unable to ignore that their constituents care about tackling climate change and protecting nature.

Collectively, we will show decision makers there is a public mandate for policies that create a cleaner, greener, fairer future. The solutions already exist: we need to protect and restore nature in the UK and abroad, swap polluting fossil fuels for affordable renewables, and support those hit hardest by climate change around the world. And these same solutions will help tackle the cost of living crisis and create a safer, stronger economy.

We need to get back on track to a world that works for everyone. Let’s swap together, for good.


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