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International Day for Biological Diversity

Community Calendar

Event details

This event began 05/21/2015 and repeats every year forever

Today is International Day for Biological Diversity, also known as International Mother Earth Day.

Indigenous peoples and local communities often refer to this Earth as Pachamama or “Mother Earth.” The fate of Pachamama and of humans has been shaped over a history that has been intertwined. The proclamation of 22 April as International Mother Earth Day is an acknowledgement that biodiversity is the basis for healthy and resilient ecosystems which support the production of the food we eat, are the source of our medicines, give us clean water, protect us from extreme weather events and also provide the roots of many cultural traditions.

The proclamation of International Mother Earth day also recognizes a collective responsibility to promote harmony with nature and the Earth to achieve a balance among the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations. It provides an opportunity to raise public awareness around the world to the challenges regarding the well-being of the planet and the life it supports. 

On International Mother Earth Day, let us act now for life on earth, for a future of life in harmony with nature - the future we want.

Learn more: http://www.cbd.int

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