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Sustainable green packaging


In our relatively recently revived quest for reducing our devastating environmental impact and ecological footprint, packaging is one of the most recent additions to the list of our products that need to be more in tune with the needs and limitations of Mother Earth. Sustainable green packaging constitutes an approach that requires a thorough analysis of the whole supply chain, including basic function, marketing, end of life and the rebirth. It requires a somewhat more detailed analysis of the package design, choice of materials, its processing and the life cycle than some of the older environmental trends in packaging.

Here are some tips on how to shift towards more eco-friendly packaging practices in the department of packaging your products.

Consider the Relation

Although some statistical data regarding packaging can be analyzed without knowing any details about the corresponding product, the packaging cannot be viewed as an independent issue. It must always be seen through its relationship to the product it is meant to house. For example, using stackable, usable drums and barrels may be a greener alternative to disposable ones, but this sort of a decision must be made in accordance with, first and foremost, the type of product they are meant to hold. Similarly, value of a packaging is inextricably linked with the value of the product, but packaging is not simply a physical protection for your product.

Keep in mind that industrial packaging had been with us for quite some time and that we all have some sort of established mechanisms in assessing a new packaging that falls into our hands in big part on the based on our experience. Psychological implications of various packaging features are a subject in its own right, but keep in mind that reducing your eco footprint can boost your sales this way.

Connect and Communicate

Besides effectively communicating your best efforts to make the Earth a better place by informing your customers of it, use the packaging to inform them on all of the important sustainability issues. For example, make sure to explain how a package should be treated towards its end of life. It is important to stick to the facts, as accurate claims in this department resonate best with the customers. In addition, it is important to provide easily understandable sourcing and recyclability information. Also, try to connect with the similar companies with similar interests and issues regarding packaging. Collaboration on spreading the information about these issues can only bring a boost in sales, as an educated audience will know better how to appreciate your efforts in reducing our devastating impact on Mother Nature. Invest and Get Creative

One of the benefits of living in an age when technology advances in such giant leaps as we have the pleasure of witnessing is being able to marvel at the great scientific achievements very often. This goes to show as the next big thing is just around the corner, so do not be afraid to experiment and invest in new ideas for making more sustainable packaging for your products. In will surely be worth the effort in more ways than one.



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