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4 Reasons Why Public Instant Messaging is Vital for Your Business

Any online business thrives solely on the manner, interaction is established with customers and how their concerns are resolved. Although, in a technology driven era, email and over the phone support serves as a primary medium of receiving feedbacks of customers and addressing their complaints, yet they are simply not enough to cater to the growing keenness among people on any of the product or service available on a particular online website.

This calls for the need of public instant messaging software that provides online business owners a platform to engage with customers with a rather holistic approach that ultimately translates into more business prospects. Rounded up below are 4 reasons why you need business instant messaging software.


4 Reasons Why You Need a Public Instant Messaging System

  • Time Savvy
    An instant messaging or IM system simply requires you to install a module that is similar to the one we use on our smartphones, laptops or desktop computers. This system effectively allows you to chat with customers in real time while reading their concerns, complaints and feedbacks related to your products and services. An IM system enables you to save substantially on time that you can use towards developing other facets of your business.

  • Cost-Effective
    Providing over the phone support to customers is a financially burdening proposition, especially for newly established start-ups. The costs associated with setting up a toll free number can make a huge dent to the economy of these companies. Installing an IM system on the other hand entails minimum investment and proves to be highly cost-effective. All you have to do is to purchase an IM module by making a onetime investment or paying a nominal monthly fee to the service provider.

  • Spam or Junk Free
    Business emails are typically vulnerable to spam or junk mails that are quite annoying and require a whole lot of effort to undertake removal procedures. Chat support on the other hand is free of any kind of spam or virus that allows you to establish flawless communication with customers without facing that may complications. A public instant messaging system is completely free of any unsolicited rubbish that is highly desirable in an online business.

  • Highly Engaging
    An IM system allows online business owners to engage with customers in an effective manner. Attending to phone calls may prove to be tiring sometimes that hampers the overall productivity of the support officials. Furthermore, providing customer support over phone calls is highly intrusive that again creates an unfavorable atmosphere for the support person.

    An IM system on the other hand provides them ample amount of time to comprehend whatever issues the customer is having with the products and services available on the website. This allows them to aid the customer in an efficient manner that works wonders towards enhancing the credibility of your portal.

Cited above are some of the reasons why business instant messaging software tends to be beneficial for any kind of online business. You may want to go through them to figure how they can benefit you.



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