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Why Use Water Heater HQ

Whether you like it or not, water heater is essential in your home. There are many types of water heaters so make sure that you get the one that’s best for you. You can visit http://www.waterheaterhq.com/ and avail of their free quote whether it be on your water heater installation or water heater repair. With these quotes, you also have the chance to compare water heater prices so you don’t go beyond your allotted budget. So check this site for more details. Indeed they serve as an example of integrity since they always do what they claimed. That is why many avail of their great service.

Water heaters consume a lot of energy. Hence, you need to be particular when choosing for one in your home. The water storage tank for example will need to be fueled with energy for 24 hours to keep hot water inside and make it available anytime it is needed. Once the water inside starts to cool down, the machine’s burner will start heating it up to make it hot again. All these cycles will take up a lot of electricity.


In Water Heater HQ, you can get expert advice on water heaters too. Once is on how to conserve energy when using it. First, you need to turn down the tanks thermostat. Once it reaches 10 degrees, you have to lower it to save 3-5 percent energy cost. Other water heaters are set to 140 degrees. This does not only consume a lot of energy but it causes the risk of scalding as well. The recommended temperature is 120 degrees as per Energy Department. To make sure you meet this requirement, don’t rely on the thermostat alone. Sometimes, this equipment can be defective. Better use thermometer instead. You can do this by measuring the water temperature on the faucet. To maintain this setting, it helps to mark the temperature on your thermostat. So turn down the thermostat to the level where it disposes a water temperature of 120 degrees. Let it stay for 2 hours and do the same measurement on another faucet farthest to the one you just measured and make sure it also measures 120 degrees temperature.

Now, why use Water Heater HQ? Well, because they are the only ones who think of their customers’ welfare as the top priority in their business. Hence, they don’t only seek for the best water heater contractors but they also look for the best price for you. Avail of their free quotes and have an insight on how much does a waiter installation and repair costs. Most of all enjoy the accessibility and comfort that their website offers by going online when shopping for the help that you need.

Why use Water Heater HQ? Well, simply because they guarantee the best service. They not only help you find the best technician but also help you get the water heater that you truly need. Enjoy the top leading water heater brand that they offer and the cost effective functionalities that these units offer.



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