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Regular backflow testing to avoid contamination of water supplies


What happens when industrial waste flows back through the plumbing system and mixes with the fresh water supply? This scenario is a nightmare for water authorities, leading some local governments to take charge and force backflow prevention on high-risk industries and companies. But should backflow prevention devices be more commonly implemented and forced upon on all households as well as schools, governments and industrial companies?

Backflow occurs when the pressure in the plumbing system increases to be higher than it’s supply, or when the pressure in the water source lowers through an interruption in the supply, forcing the contaminated water to flow back to the potable water source. This leads to contamination of our precious water supplies, rendering our drinking water unsafe to consume without a reliable quality water filter. A burst water pipe is one occurrence that can lead to a reduced pressure in the water supply and thereby allowing for backflow.

A backflow prevention device is designed to stop contamination of the valuable potable water in cases where backflow can occur, protecting the drinking water from interacting with industrial waste, human waste, chemicals, pesticides and more.

The risk of backflow contamination depends on the level of toxicity that is present in the plumbing system.

Local governments in Australia have introduced forced backflow prevention devices with annual testing for selected industrial companies who pose a serious risk to the main water supplies in cases of backflow.

Is your business posing a risk to the local water supply? Contact your local backflow tester today to manage the risk of contamination and avoid potential litigations.



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