Florida Real Estate Market – Situations Towards Betterment After Lull Season

Property market in Florida has been under many upheavals since the past few years; though in the last 2-3 years, conditions were pretty grim. However, real estate analysts have opined that the situation is surely going to get better in the coming days and current real estate data have proved the fact. It is true that Florida’s real estate industry contributes greatly to the economy of the state. This happens through property buying, selling, leasing, renting and even new property construction.
Reports have proved that in Florida, the median home value currently is $166,100. There has been a steady increase of 12.5% in the value of homes in Florida when compared to last year. Predictions are being made that there will be an increase of more 3% in the valuation in the coming year. Median price of currently listed properties in Florida is $215,000; while that of sold homes is $181,750. Median rent valuation in Florida is around $1450.
Real estate market in Florida Miami Beach area
It is interesting to note that property demands vary from one city in Florida to another. In Miami Beach area, condos and coops are high in demands. Due to the lovely scenic beauty of the place, Miami Beach attracts lots of travelers and tourists and so condos are a preferred choice with the people there. There are 1749 property listings for condos in the area. More than 80 condos have been sold in the area in the last one month. This is welcome news for the property market in Florida.
Real estate market in Imperial Lakes area, Florida
On the other hand, Imperial Lakes has high demands of single family residences with 35100 property listings in the same. Demands of condos are little less in the area though there are 9564 condo listings. Including different kinds of available properties in Imperial Lakes, there has been sale of 53906 properties in the area in the last one month. The numbers are sure to increase in the coming days increasing revenue from the real estate industry and boosting Florida’s economy.
Contacting the best realtors in Florida for getting best properties
Whatever be your choice of property in Florida region, contacting a real estate agent is the best thing to do for getting the best home/condo. There are many real estate agents in the area, but choosing a reliable one is highly recommended as property investment is a crucial deal in your life. Making a wrong choice or decision can cost you dear on the long run.
Agent Ace is a trusted place to look for the best real estate agents in Florida. Customers just need to tell about the kinds of properties that they are looking to buy or sell. Agent Ace enlists the best real estate agents in different cities in Florida. Once the customer provides the specifications on the kinds of properties he is looking for, the best agent in the area is selected from the list. He has to undergo screening once more and then finalized. Property agent with the best performance record is recommended for the customer.
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