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Green Blog

Eco-friendly branding

Environmentalists and their organizations, such as Greenpeace or the World Nature Organization, fight on a daily basis against human acts that lead to pollution and environment damage. These people are more active than numerous non-governmental organizations that usually criticize and shout, but do not do anything in particular to save what they speak against. Ecologists, on the other hand, plane and implement dozens of actions and events in order to raise the eco-awareness with ordinary people and protect the endangered species. What every business could do in order to join these forces for the protection of this planet is go for eco-friendly promotional materials and take part in the projects of these organizations.

Spread the news through eco-use

A brand can play an ecological role if its owner(s) realize how wide and potent the eco market is. If we put aside the profitable side of ecology (which by no means exists), it is still clear that turning green in the brand promotion process can contribute enormously to raising the ecological awareness of the people surrounding you and lower the ecologically dangerous behavior that many companies indulge in. To launch an ecology-awareness-raising campaign, you should set a model for your customers and people around you through your personal example. For instance, if your business delivers products or gives away promotional bags, you should start using only the ones made of recycled paper. For starters, you could at least say farewell to plastic bags and any other containers. The next appropriate step would be utilizing only the materials made from reused paper. In addition to that, all other promo materials that you might be giving to your clients, such as pens, lighters, notebooks and other accessories should also be made from plastic that has been recycled and reshaped. If it is necessary to use plastic, using recycled form of it will set you shoulder to shoulder with nature-friendly companies.

Eco-friendly support for social events

Many businesses take part in trade shows and annual meetings. If you decide to take part in such an event, you could keep branding your business through different trade accessories that could be useful for visitors and make them accept your brand as the one that cares and stands out. For instance, you could create a refreshments stand and give away small canapés and water for visitors. Even better thing would be to have some sort of a promo symbol on the water bottles. If you manage to get plastic bottles made from recycled plastic to endow them with your logo, it could be a perfect combination for promotional water bottles that would at the same time promote your business brand and raise eco-awareness.

Keep your business green

Although active participation in promoting ecology and environmentalism will help in establishing your business and the belonging brand(s) as nature-friendly, you have to interweave such an approach in the everyday business matters of your company. The reception or the front desk, depending which one you have, could be enriched with promo posters made from recycled paper or they can be printed with eco-friendly printing colors.

Beside that, you should also equip your office(s) with computer cases made from recycled plastic. Also, when organizing business meeting in your company, you should hire catering companies that make food from organically grown vegetables and fruit. In addition to that, you should also serve drinks that are made eco-friendly fruit.

Becoming green in running a business does not only mean giving away a couple of leaflet made from recycled paper. When you launch a full-scale ecological marketing campaign, your brand will be recognized as environment-friendly and it will help people become more aware of the ecological problems.



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