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Natural Ways to Fight Prostate Cancer


Research from the 2014 American Society of Clinical Oncology provided some new data about natural plants and herbs that might help patients and doctors in their fight against prostate cancer. In 2014, cancer.org estimates 233,000 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed and nearly 30,000 men will die from prostate cancer. This also translates into about 1 in 7 men having prostate cancer sometime in their lifetime.

Great improvements in care have improved patient outcomes however the current treatments can also cause many side effects. Current treatments include:

  • Surgery
  • Radiation
  • Hormone therapy
  • Chemotherapy

The side effects from these treatments include urinary dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, and loss of fertility. In an effort to find less invasive treatments, researchers have been studying a variety of natural plants and herbs. At ASCO, research presented data from a 203 person study of men who already had prostate cancer. The men were randomized to four different food supplement pills or placebo and tracked for 6 months. The subjects had their Prostate Specific Antigen levels tracked as a marker for prostate cancer activity. On average the men in the placebo arm had their Prostate Specific Antigen levels rise 63% higher than the active food pill arms.

The supplement pills were made of four different plants: Pomegranate, Broccoli, Green Tea, or Turmeric. Based on the results, new research is planned but this isn’t stopping them from suggesting this data alone is clinically meaningful for doctors treating men with prostate cancer who believe a nutritional supplement may benefit the patient.

Why did these plants lower PSA and have promise at fighting prostate cancer?

Turmeric contains a strong anti-inflamatory agent called curcumin. Previous research about turmeric health benefits suggest curcumin can reduce patient inflammation which will slow or stop the prostate cancer’s ability to spread to the rest of the human body. Beyond curcumin, ground turmeric is a great source of magnesium, iron, and essential fatty acids.

Green Tea is loaded with catechins which is known to settle in the prostate gland. Once a high enough level of catechin is found in the prostate gland, it begins targeting the cancerous cells.

Broccoli is a well known detoxifer. Eating a diet with strong detoxification properties is important as you battle cancer as eliminating toxins will strengthen your body and limit the cancer’s ability to spread.

Pomegranates work in a similar way as green tea but using a different pathway. Pomegranates have polyphenols which will also accumulate in your prostate gland. With a consistent diet of pomegranates, you increase the levels of polyphenols in your prostate which allows it to selective target and destroy cancerous cells. In addition to the benefits to a prostate cancer patient, researchers of found other pomegranate health benefits for people with arthritis and cardiovascular disease.

All of these plants are readily available in pill form at food supplement stores or you could consider including them into a comprehensive wellness and juicing program.



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