An Efficient Move - Ways to Achieve It

Efficiently doing your job when you move from one home to another, will not only save you time and money, but it will also undoubtedly spare your nerves. What are the characteristics of an efficient move? Read on and find out for yourself.
Prepare a List!
A list is the very first thing you need to create before your moving day has even come. It is essential that you do so, because having so many things on your head, and not being able to fall back on a sheet of paper that has everything you need, spells disaster. The list in itself must be clear and informative, be sure to have a page or a column for every room, that way you'll be sure that nothing is misplaced and that everything is going to plan. This will be your safety net, the neater it is, the better it will dampen your fall.
Boxes, boxes, boxes!
There are stores that will sell you moving boxes, or you can also nicely ask your local grocer, they have an abundance of them that are not needed. Moving companies also have boxes of their own, and some rent out or sell them beforehand, so you are all set when the moving day comes. Regardless of how you acquire them, they are the backbone of your operation so make sure you get some sturdy ones, that way they won't fall apart.
To be extra careful, put the clothes that you plan on keeping, in plastic vacuum sealed bags, suck the air out and place them in sturdier boxes to ensure that there will be no moisture dampening them. Wardrobe are what most moving companies use to move large quantities of material around. They are tall and wide wooden boxes and they are probably one of the most efficient ways of doing it. You can neatly arrange everything, like a tettris game, to make sure that nothing will be loose and be broken during the drive. If you are doing the moving yourself, you can still call a moving company and rent out such a box, or if you are hiring be sure to mention that you want one.
Dealing With Fragile Things!
Bubble warp, while a very effective ally when shipping goods, it alone cannot save your precious china. It used in accordance with a smart arrangement of the boxes and their contents will save you many tears over the shattered heirloom. When dealing with plates wrapping each individual one is quite time consuming, and although it might seem like it would work, it is more harmful you might think. The key word here is friction, a lack of it during a sharper turn in the van, might send some of the contents of those boxes flying out or rattling against one another - this leads to breaking. Rather warp several in one package, but be sure to place a piece of paper between them, preferably a double ply kitchen paper, this will have extra friction and make sure that you don't lose aunt Margy's wedding gifts. Wrap 4-5 plates in a two layer bubble wrap and there you go.
Color coordinate!
There are ways to be even more efficient. People quickly learn to associate colors with certain things, be smart about it and use different duck tape to seal the boxes of different rooms. That way you won't have to read what each box says, but you will know which for which room is designated. Red for kitchen, blue for bathroom and so on and so on. Such supplies you can get from hobby shops and even a regular corner store.
Can't be bothered?
Several moves later and you simply don't feel like going trough it again all by yourself? There are professional movers that are really good at their job. Utilize their services if you simply don't feel like doing it again. They will take care of everything written mentioned above and a lot more.
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