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Time to Stock up Early On Seasoned Logs before the Winter Season Sets In!

Sadly summer is coming to an end in the United Kingdom. In fact, it already feels like Autumn has arrived. The mornings are getting colder and the skies are sometimes gloomy and grey. And, the bad news doesn’t end there, as it is only going to get colder! Nonetheless, you can make the colder seasons much more bearable by planning in advance. Now is the perfect time to stock up on your fire logs before the winter sets in. Or, if you don’t have a fireplace in your home, you should definitely consider having one installed and embrace this method of heating. It is the most effective and economical solution, as you will soon discover. No one wants to spend their winter feeling like they are about to freeze, nor do they want to be faced with extortionate electricity bills! This post is here to make sure that does not happen to you. Read on to discover the reasons why fire logs are the best method for heating your home, as well as some top tips for purchasing them…


First and foremost, why are fire logs recommended for heating UK homes during the colder months? Well, you have to ask yourself what you would want from the perfect heating system. Most people will say they want something that heats up their home well yet is not too expensive to run. This is exactly what you get by opting to use seasoned logs for warmth in your property. There is nothing quite like the heat that comes from lighting logs. Not only will your property feel warm, but the heat is authentic, creating a cosy and relaxing environment, which is what everyone is seeking during the winter months. Thus, not only do you get the level of heat you want, but the perfect atmosphere to go with it. The same cannot be said for the likes of radiators or under floor heating. These options add nothing to the ambience of a room and they can take a considerable length of time to heat the room up as well.

Aside from this, the other significant benefit that has already been touched upon is the fact that burning wood is a lot more cost effective. The only thing you need to pay for is the wood itself. If you shop around online you will be able to find some great prices, and we will provide you with some essential buying tips later in this post. Nonetheless, no matter where you buy your logs from you can be sure you will make some exceptional savings when contrasted with other methods of heating. It is no secret that electricity and gas bills are expensive in the UK,and utility bills can financially cripple people during the winter months. You need to keep yourself warm, yet with every minute your appliances and such like are switched on you are spending more and more money. It’s a lose-lose situation. Yet, it is completely different when burning wood. You make your purchase and the wood is delivered straight to your door. You know exactly how much you have spent and you can monitor how long the wood lasts you as

well. You don’t need to worry about any nasty surprises. Thus, not only are you saving cash, but you can manage your expenses a lot better as well.

It is also worth considering the fact that you will be doing your bit for the environment. It is no secret that there is an increasing need for us all to do our bit for the planet. By choosing to warm your house with firewood you will definitely be playing your part. Not only is wood a renewable energy source, but also most of the new stoves burn wood without putting barely any pollutants back into the air. So, as you can see, there are a lot of benefits to be gained by choosing to heat your home with logs. Nonetheless, it is definitely not a case of buying the first logs you lay your eyes on. You need to choose wisely and this is why buying in advanced is so highly recommended, so you can be safe in the knowledge that your home will be warm and cosy throughout the winter months.

One of the most important things you need to be aware of is that it is vital to buy seasoned logs. These are logs that will have been dried out for a minimum of six months. Freshly cut logs contain way too much moisture in order to be suitable for being lit. They will not heat your home effectively. It is likely that you will struggle to light the logs and even if you do get them lit the fire will be erratic and you can expect your home to fill with smoke. People often get tempted into purchasing fresh logs, since they are available for a much cheaper price. Don’t be sucked into this. If the company does not specify whether their logs are seasoned or not you need to ask. You don’t want to waste your money on something that is not only ineffective but potentially very dangerous as well.

Buying in advance is also beneficial because you will be able to ensure you have an effective method of storing the firewood as well. It is advisable to simply store a small amount of seasoned logs in your house; the rest can be kept outside in a covered area.The best thing to do is cover the top so the wood is protected from the weather, but keep the sides uncovered so you can optimise air circulation. It is not advisable to store all the wood inside your home for several reasons. Firstly, you could attract creepy crawlies, which no one wants in their lovely house. Moreover, you could release excess humidity into the home and thus it proves to be counter-productive.

You also need to do your research regarding what type of wood to buy. Generally speaking, wood types can be split into two categories; either hardwood or softwood. The latter is the cheaper option of the two when it comes to buying the wood. They also provide a cleaner burn. Nonetheless, one drawback is that they burn quicker than hardwoods do, and thus a lot of people opt for softwood at the beginning and the end of winter when it is not as cold. During the freezing months in the heart of winter they switch to hardwood as this type of wood provides a greater amount of heat.

To conclude, heating your home with seasoned logs comes highly recommended. You are going to benefit from a source of heat that is really effective, cost efficient, environmentally friendly and creates a cosy vibe too. However, please make sure you follow the advice that has been provided in regards to buying the firewood and storing it as well. The importance of buying seasoned wood instead of freshly cut wood cannot be stressed enough. Moreover, if you store your wood effectively you will get the best out of it and avoid having to deal with any horrid spiders popping up!



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