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How Your Manufacturing Facility Can Make Greener Choices for the Environment


In a world of ever-increasing demand for quality products, there is a nearly unlimited potential for your manufacturing business to grow. In the midst of your growth, though, it's important to make sure that you're doing all you can to be kind to the environment so that future generations have the same opportunities that have led to your success. The good news is that there are plenty of initiatives you can launch that will help lead to lowering your facility's environmental impact.

Utilize Renewable Energy

The electricity that powers your facility represents one of its most significant environmental impacts. Therefore, if you can work to curb this impact, it will make your facility greener, overall. One way to achieve this goal is to utilize renewable energy for some or all of your energy demands. Whether you choose a direct investment by doing something like installing solar panels on your facility's roof or an indirect investment, such as offsetting your facility's carbon emissions, every effort helps to lead to a better tomorrow.

Recycle Excess Materials

Although any type of waste costs your company money, there is almost always some level of waste in every manufacturing process. If your facility uses recyclable materials, then the best thing that you can do is to send any waste materials off to be recycled. In some cases, such as copper recycling, aluminum recycling, and others, you may find that your recycling efforts provide an extra income stream for your business.

Consider What You Use

In some cases, the harmful environmental effects of your facility may not come so much from the products that are created as the materials that are used to create these final products. If you can do a thorough review of the consumables that you use during the manufacturing process, you may find room for improvement so that you end up using fewer toxic and harmful substances. In addition to being good for the environment, this review can potentially help improve the health of the employees in your facility.

Use Multi-Speed Machines

Unless it's always active, running a machine at full speed during an entire shift can waste a lot of electricity. Therefore, when it comes time to replace equipment in your facility, it's important to use multi-speed machines whenever possible. By actively adjusting their speed based on demand, you can expect to realize significant energy savings over the life of the machine.

It's likely that you have multiple employees within your organization who have great ideas for how to improve your facility's environmental friendliness. By reaching out to your employees through a survey or other feedback-gathering method, you'll be able to gain insights that you might otherwise miss.


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