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How To Make Your Home Eco-Friendly While Staying Stylish

A home is a special place for everyone after retiring from the troubles of the outside world. Waste production, deforestation, and illegal dumping are the significant causes of pollution in our environments. According to the World Health Organization, some global deaths are as a result of pollutants. Naturally, every human being desires a clean environment. However, the environmental challenges have left many wondering how they can have an eco-friendly and stylish home at this age. Below are tips on how your home can be a haven:


Use non-toxic materials


Home decoration materials must be critically selected. We have things like paints, carpets, or even blankets that have been known to contain toxic and allergic toxins. These toxins are harmful to humans. Therefore, it is vital to make inquiries before the purchase of any item coming to your home.


Growing of House–plants


House plants have been known to offer several benefits. They import the natural world into the house and brighten up space. They are a significant enhancement to every photographic opportunity within the home. One can also grow useful plants that are naturally suitable for natural remedies as well as beauty purposes. These houseplants can be placed at either the bookshelves or picture ledges or wall hangings.


Use of natural cleaning products


Harmful chemicals are the biggest threat to any environment. This is because even after washing them, they go down with water. Later on, this water takes a very long time to be purified before it's safe for consumption. However, the good news is that there are several natural cleaning products. They include citric acid, vinegar, and bicarbonate of soda. These natural products also leave the air fresh.


Embrace vintage or retro furniture


New furniture contains chemicals that are slowly released to the air for years, leaving toxins in your space. Contrarily, recycled furniture or vintage rarely gives out compounds. The reasons are that vintage items don’t have chemicals while the retro furniture had already emitted the chemicals years ago. Many shops sell these types of furniture.




Many homes have windows that are energy-efficient, sealing the house well. Sadly, most people rarely open their windows. This means that indoor toxins and chemicals remain trapped inside the house. Lack of fresh air inside the home makes it stinky and uncomfortable.

In addition to these tips, one can buy luxaflex blinds from a blind and shade company. The blinds will give your rooms a perfect balance of light filterings, privacy, and heat control. Once you employ these tips, you will be assured of a toxic-free environment.



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