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How to Use Less Energy in Your Old Home

Many modern homes offer energy-efficient features that make lowering your energy bill easy. But what about old homes that were built before energy-efficient features? Well, there’s hope for old homes, too. There are updates that can make your old home just as efficient as a modern home.


Updating an old home is often as simple or as complicated as you can afford to make it. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money, then there are quick-fix changes that you can make. But if money is no object, you can invest in upgrades that take more time and money.


Switch to CFL or LED Light Bulbs


Incandescent light bulbs are fast becoming a thing of the past. CFL and LED light bulbs cost more than incandescent bulbs. But CFL and LED lights save more money in the long run.


An incandescent bulb consumes 60 watts per-hour. A traditional CFL bulb consumes 14 watts per hour. And a typical LED bulb consumes 10 watts per hour. The more watts consumed per hour, the higher your energy bill.


Get New Windows


It’s likely that your old home has single pane windows. Single pane windows have one layer of glass. They’re thin and known for being drafty. Since there’s only one pane of glass, it’s easier for outside temperatures to affect the temperature inside your home.


For an older home, upgrading to double pane windows is an energy-saving move. Double pane windows are made with two panes of glass. And some even have insulating argon gas placed between the panes. Two panes of glass provide more protection from outside temperatures than provided by one pane of glass.


Switch to Renewable Energy


Solar panels are a source of renewable energy. Solar panel installation services can help you understand the best option for your home for saving energy and money in the long run. 


Solar panels convert light from the sun into energy. The energy connects to your home’s electrical grid and is distributed throughout the home. Unless you live in a state that doesn’t get a significant amount of sun year round - such as parts of Alaska - then solar panels are worth considering.


An old home doesn’t have to guzzle energy. The tips mentioned in this article can help lower your energy costs without ruining your home.



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