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How Modern Homes Are Making Smarter Energy Decisions

Many people don’t realize that homes are becoming more efficient every year, and eco-friendly technology is now being adopted by countless architects, design teams, and contractors. That type of technology is the perfect option for anyone who wants to reduce their carbon footprint while keeping their energy bills as low as possible.

Tankless Water Heaters

Traditional water heaters are incredibly inefficient because they must constantly keep a large volume of water at a very high temperature. It also takes quite a bit of time to heat up more water once you run out, and that can be problematic for larger families. With a tankless water heater, the water will only be brought up to temperature as it is being used, and that means you will never run out of hot water or waste excess energy.

Smart Home Tech

Smart home technology has exploded in popularity in recent years, and those gadgets can be used to control almost every facet of a house. Even if you don’t plan on adding smart devices all over your home, you should still consider installing a smart thermostat. That type of device will learn your family’s habits and preferences, and it is going to turn the system off or adjust the settings when no one is home or everyone is sleeping.

Solar Panels

If you really want to improve the efficiency of your home, then solar panels are going to be a great investment. Putting a solar panel array on your home’s roof could reduce your electrical bills by a significant amount or even allow you to sell some of that energy back to the city. Solar panels can often be installed within a matter of days, and that technology could potentially pay for itself within a few years.

High-Efficiency Appliances

While your HVAC system is probably responsible for most of your energy consumption, your other appliances are going to use up quite a bit of electricity as well. Household appliances have gotten incredibly efficient within the last decade, and most manufacturers are now designing them to be as eco-friendly as possible. Those who haven’t replaced their appliances in quite some time should at least consider upgrading their washers, dryers, and dishwashers.

Many of the construction materials that are used to build homes are changing as well, and some of those materials are extremely good at insulating and have a very small impact on the environment. That includes materials such as recycled steel, bamboo, cork, precast concrete, and plant-based polyurethane.

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