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Kick These 6 Eco Un-Friendly Habits Right Now


Many people today are becoming more environmentally aware. While we may not be able to solve all of the world’s problems, we can make a difference in our everyday habits. One of the first things you can do to help the planet is to stop doing things that are polluting it. Here are six eco un-friendly habits you should give up right now.


1. Using Disposable Shopping Bags

It’s an unnecessary waste to get a new paper or plastic grocery bag every time you go shopping. Both paper and plastic bags are harmful to the environment. Getting a reusable bag is not only better for the environment, it saves you from having old bags piling up in your closet.

2. Driving More Than You Have To

If you’re in the habit of driving down the block, this is a good time to start walking more. This will give you more exercise, help you spend less on fuel and consume fewer resources. If you’re driving somewhere and have to make several stops, try to park in the middle and walk to each destination. Carpooling is another efficient way to drive less.

3. Improper Disposal of Motor Oil

If you change your own oil, make sure you don’t simply dump the old oil on the ground or into a drain. This will cause ground or water pollution. Place the old oil in a tightly sealed container and bring it to a place that recycles oil. Many gas stations, oil change places and automobile repair shops like Speedy Apollo Auto Service Centres will accept your old oil and help you dispose of it for free.

4. Leaving Lights and Appliances On

When you leave a room or the house, make sure you turn off the lights and any appliances you aren't using. It’s a waste of power to leave lights on all day. The same is true for televisions, air conditioners and household appliances.

5. Using Too Much Paper

It’s easy to switch to digital forms of many paper items nowadays. Rather than receiving magazines, newspapers, bills and information in paper form, arrange to get these things emailed to you. You can also read e-books rather than print books. These practices are good for the planet and they reduce clutter around your home as well.

6. Wasting Water

Water is our most valuable resource, but many people waste it by taking long showers or leaving the water running when they leave the room. Don’t use any more water than you have to. Another habit that wastes water is watering the lawn more often than is necessary.

The more conscious we are about our daily habits, the better it is for the whole planet. The above are just a few simple ways we can all do our part to preserve the environment. Giving up some of these harmful habits can put us on the right track.



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