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4 Important Steps for Making Your Business More Eco-Friendly

As society becomes more environmentally aware, everyone should do their part to become more Eco-friendly. There are plenty of small steps that can make a big difference. Any type of business can help to protect the environment by following steps like these.4 Important Steps for Making Your Business More Eco-Friendly.PNG

Conserve Utilities

No matter a company’s size, it is a good idea to turn off unused utilities to reduce usage and cut costs. Empty offices and unscheduled conference rooms do not need lights or air conditioning. Energy-efficient lighting for security purposes can be utilized when the building is empty at night. Equipment that must be left on for occasional access like a printer or copier can be set to the “sleep” mode or a similar setting to limit usage.

Recycle When Possible

Set up one or more recycle bins. One can be for used paper that should be shredded first for confidentiality purposes. Another bin can collect bottles, cans, or other company waste that can be picked up by the local recycling company or sold as scrap for money to be added to the operating budget. Departments could run contests to see who can collect the most recyclables within a certain period, with the winners receiving a pizza lunch or other perk.

Adopt Eco-Friendly Policies

Develop an environment-oriented policy that can be added to employee handbooks. It should describe the ways in which everyone can make the business more environmentally responsible. The aforementioned energy usage reduction and recycling bins can be the first steps of the policy. Buying Eco-safe chemicals or products is another important step. Reusing or repurposing older equipment or furniture can help to prevent excessive waste.

Dispose of Eco-Hazards Responsibly

Companies that work with bio-hazards or any kind of Eco-hazards should find out how to use and dispose of them legally. It would be helpful to contact an environmental law practice for information about local environment protection laws and how to avoid violations. An attorney or an environmental specialist could make a presentation to company employees to explain how to dispose of toxic waste or products that could negatively impact the environment through airborne, ground water, or soil contamination.

Becoming aware of Eco-issues is the first step. Taking action to implement Eco-friendly practices and products is the second step. Training employees to be environmentally conscious can lead to a safer and healthier workplace and surrounding community. Make your business more environmentally aware and legally compliant.



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