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4 Home Systems That Can Easily Be More Energy Efficient

There are plenty of good reasons to look at reducing your energy consumption. You might want to save money, for example, or you might want to do your part to help the environment. No matter what your needs, you can take a look at the four systems below to make an impact on your energy efficiency.

Water Heater

Your water heater is probably one part of your home that you don't think of as inefficient, but technology has marched on to the point that many heaters that are fifteen or twenty years old are wildly out of date. Switching over to a tankless heater will not only save you quite a bit on your energy bills, but it will also allow you to get hot water faster. Switching over to a new unit can be a great way to save money over the long run.

The AC Unit

Your AC unit is another home system that can be incredibly inefficient. This time, it's not just technology that's at fault - if you have a system that's the wrong size for your home, your energy bills might go through the roof. It's a good idea to have an AC installation service come out to your home and take a look at your system to see if it could be replaced with something that's a bit more efficient.

Your Washer and Dryer

This is another area in which technology has changed for the better. Many modern washers are much more efficient than their older counterparts, washing more thoroughly while still using less water. Modern dryers, on the other hand, use less energy while still getting your clothing dry. Upgrading to a new washer and dryer can actually save you the money over the course of a few years while still allowing you to do something to help the environment.


Finally, lighting is an upgradable area that is often overlooked. At a bare minimum, you can switch out old lights for energy-efficient lighting. If you really want to go all-out, though, you can switch over to smart lights. These lights automatically turn off when you're not in the room, adjust their brightness based on personal settings, and can even be set to timers so they're only on when they are really needed. If you want the most efficient lighting, smart lights are the way to go.

Reducing your energy usage may really be as simple as replacing some common systems in your home. Look at the lighting, air conditioning, washing, and even your water heater as places where you can make a change. With a little effort, you can really dial down your energy consumption.

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