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Although the problem of protecting the environment may seem like an insurmountable one, there are many simple steps that every person can take to make a small positive impact. If everyone begins to take measures to reduce carbon use and waste, saving the planet will become a much easier proposition. Here are four simple things you can do to help save the environment in your own small way.

Walk and Bike More

Driving is one of the most common ways in which practically everyone releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. By walking or riding your bike for short trips, you can considerably reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced as a result of your transportation needs. As an added benefit, walking and biking are excellent forms of exercise, meaning you’ll get some great physical activity as well.

Plant Trees on Your Property

If you have a large enough piece of property, consider planting a few trees to help absorb carbon dioxide. A single tree can sequester a full ton of carbon over the first 40 years of its life. By planting several trees on your property, you can create a passive form of carbon sequestration that will continue for decades to come.

Get into the Habit of Recycling

One of the best ways to prevent unneeded waste from polluting land and water is to recycle as much of your garbage as you can. Plastics, glass and paper can easily be recycled by most municipal governments, meaning that you just have to sort them appropriately. Iron, steel, copper, and aluminum scrap metal recycling are usually handled by specialized processing centers, but it isn’t too difficult to find these facilities in most cities. By recycling more of what you use, you can prevent waste from ending up in landfills and keep extra energy from being expended in extracting new natural resources.

Grow Some of Your Own Food

One of the more difficult environmental problems to address is the fact that the agricultural techniques needed to supply food for more than 7 billion humans are extremely harmful to the planet. Forests are often destroyed to clear land, while herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers pollute groundwater reserves on massive farms. One thing you can do to partially reduce your impact in this area is to start an organic garden at home. Growing your own food with environmentally friendly methods will lower your carbon footprint and give you access to plenty of fresh, healthy produce.

These are just a few of the many small actions you can take to play a role in saving the planet. You should also try to encourage friends and family members to do the same, as the effect of these small steps will grow as more and more people begin to take them.


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