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Getting Your Omega 3's Without Harming the Environment

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the most important nutrients that people should be taking but that most people don't. Years and years of scientific research have determined that omega-3 fatty acids have so many health benefits, and in many cases, like pregnancy, are actually necessary to prevent problems. The human body does not produce its own omega-3 fatty acids so it is an essential nutrient that has to come from the diet.

There are two main forms of omega-3 fatty acids that the body utilizes for various biological functions. These are docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The problem is that these two forms of omega-3s come from oily fish, and those that eat oily fish do not want to consume such vast amounts of them because many of them are endangered.

The solution is plant based omega-3 fatty acid supplements. They give you all the omega-3s you need without harming the fish. Click here for more about omega-3 fatty acids. This link is to authority Health, a website designed to discuss your health while remaining true to natural and organic methods.

Why everyone should be taking omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids form part of the most basic unit of our life, the cell. Cells are surrounded by a membrane of fatty substances that keeps the contents of the cell inside but they also have a very active chemical role. Omega-3 fatty acids are incorporated into cell membranes and help to create chemical messages that cells can send to one another, to improve their overall survival and health.

The most important of these messages is a pathway involved in inflammation. When cells get injured they cause a reaction with their cell membrane that releases chemical messages called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins help induce the feeling of pain and they help the blood to clot around the injured area. But there are also other prostaglandins that are anti-inflammatory to make sure that the inflammation does not destroy the healthy cells. Omega-3 fatty acids are much more involved in producing the anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.

The anti-inflammatory effect they have significantly reduces the chances of developing heart disease and other chronic disorders. They also have other benefits like improving brain function and skin complexion, to name but a few.

The problem for the environment

So omega-3 fatty acids are really great but the problem is that for everyone to get the right dose, we would have to kill millions of endangered fish, krill and seals. Some environmental organizations report that the demand for krill has moved from 100 000 tons to several million times over the last 5 years because of new technologies to catch them. A large reduction in the krill population can have knock-on effect because it will cause a reduction in all of the species that require krill as a food source.

The major species that will suffer are seals, whales and penguins. Some untrustworthy manufacturers have also been known to put seal oil in there supplements because of the large amount they can get from each seal.Other edible sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fish like salmon and tuna which are under immense pressure.

So the problem exists where eating the natural sources is harmful to the environment and so are some of the supplements, but there is a solution.

The solution for the individual

In response to the problem many people would turn to certain omega-3 fatty acids from plants. These are different forms of omega acids namely alpha linoleic acid. These omega-3 acids can be converted into the ones we need by the body, but the process is slow and inefficient. The fortunate thing is that there are manufacturers that care about the environment and choose to make their omega-3 supplements from sustainable sources. That is to say that when choosing an omega 3 supplement, be sure to look at ones that are krill free and seal oil free.  Many of the same manufacturers also pursue other environmentally friendly conquests like using completely recyclable packaging and not adding any artificial ingredients to their supplements. This means that by choosing the right supplement you can get all of the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids with none of the harm to the environment.



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