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Green Blog

How All Americans Can Help Recycle and Beautify the Planet Daily



Increasingly, we are hearing more complaints about how planet Earth is being destroyed by careless human behavior. Our air, water, and soil are being polluted to the point where future existence may be in danger. Before it is too late, we should all become responsible citizens to save our planet. There are many simple, low-cost or free ways to daily keep our natural surroundings clean and attractive.

Don’t Litter

Avoid the temptation to throw empty food or tobacco containers or wrappers out the car window or on the sidewalk. Keep a trash bag in the car for the purpose. Make sure your trashcans that are put out to the curb for garbage collection are tightly closed and cannot be easily opened by delinquents or wild animals. Keep your property free of litter or loose trash, and you might be able to set an example for the neighbors.

Recycle Eligible Materials

Find out if your area has a recycling program. Many neighborhoods are now provided with free recycling receptacles and scheduled pickups, along with information on what can be recycled, as well as items that cannot. If there is no pickup program in place, look for the nearest drop-off center for recyclable items like paper, cardboard boxes, metals, and tires, among other things.

Organize a Community Clean-Up

Get together with neighbors or coworkers to arrange a clean-up day for a messy neighborhood area. It might be a school playground, a local park, or empty lots in need of a thorough cleaning. You can rent skip bins to safely and conveniently hold all the rubbish and litter that will be gathered. You can even make it a celebration by having snacks and beverages available. Children can work alongside their parents to learn the value of teamwork and community service.

Plant New or Replacement Greenery

At home on land you own or rent, you may be able to plant new plants, shrubs, or trees to help protect the ecosystem and prevent soil erosion. In public areas, you can organize a team or arrange a family day to plant seedlings on bare lots or places void of greenspace. Greenery helps to purify the air of toxic substances as well as beautifying the area for enjoyment by all.

Keeping our natural surroundings looking good and free of litter can actually ease stress and enhance a community’s value. Take small steps like these to make your neighborhood more appealing and enjoyable.


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