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Recycling and the Future of Our Planet

Anyone that has been following news about the environment and reading up on environmental issues knows one thing; recycling is essential for the future of the Planet Earth. There are myriads of reasons why we should encourage recycling and partner with companies that are involved.

Reasons for Recycling

1.      Recycling Conserves the Natural Resources

Recycling means converting used materials into new products. This aids in lessening the need to consume natural resources by extracting fresh raw materials from the earth via activities such as mining and forestry. You will find more information at MBP Solutions.

When we recycle, we save these natural resources for future use and help in conserving natural habitats. In essence:

·         When we recycle paper and wood, we help to conserve forests. Planting of new trees cannot replace ancient trees and virgin rainforest. Once it is gone, that is it.

·         Recycled plastic means there is less need for new plastic. Plastic has been known to be detrimental to the environment; therefore, the less of it, the better.

·         We recycle metal to reduce the need to mine and extract more metal. This is a risky, expensive and damaging venture.

·         Recycled glass decreases the need to use new raw materials such as sand to create new glass. Reports indicate that supplies of certain types of sand are running dangerously low.


2.      Recycling Conserves Energy

The production of raw products from raw materials requires a lot of energy. Using recycled materials uses a lot less energy. This is due to the fact that more energy is needed to extract, refine,   transport and process the raw materials in readiness for manufacturing. When you are working with industry ready materials, you do not have to go through all these processes. Hence, less energy is used.

3.      Recycling  Protects the Environment

All the extracting, refining and processing of raw materials is not good for our environment. Recycling decreases the need for too much of these activities. Furthermore, with the conservation of energy, there is less emission of greenhouse gases which aids in tackling climate change.

4.      Recycling Conserves Ecosystems and Wildlife

Since used materials are converted into new products, there is less need to grow or extract new raw materials from the earth. This works to lessen disruptions and damage to the natural ecosystem as there is reduced deforestation and displacement of wild animals. In addition, rivers are not diverted and there is reduced pollution of water, air and soil.

Recycling also takes care of the problem of waste. A lot of plastics and other harmful products have been known to end up in our seas causing untold distress therein.

5.      Recycling Protects Humankind

Many people live in forest communities and some have found themselves without homes because of rampant deforestation. When we cut down trees or even entire forests in search of cheap timber and fuel, we exploit the most vulnerable humans and rob them of their existence. That also goes for diverting and/or polluting rivers leaving them without water.

Recycling helps to combat this problem as there is less need to deprive forest communities of their habitat as we search for raw materials. We can reuse what we have. Moreover, plastic waste has already been proven to be bad for the environment and by extension, bad for humans.

6.      Recycling Reduces Carbon Emissions

Conserving energy means lower carbon emissions. Sourcing and producing new raw materials causes carbon emissions especially because of the amount of energy used. Recycling helps to reduce the amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouses gases emitted into the atmosphere. These gases contribute to the climate problem.

Finally, recycling creates jobs. The more people become aware and participate in recycling, the more jobs will be created. Raising the target recycling will therefore be a boost for the economy through creation of jobs.

While we reduce the amount of waste we produce through recycling, it would be better if we could reduce the amount we use instead.



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