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Digitizing Electrical and energy Tenders : A Thriving Business Innovation

I-The economic bureaucratic process

Years ago, bureaucracy was killing people more than wars. Up to now, many countries are suffering from the same dilemma. Max Weber the Godfather of bureaucracy says in his essays that “the mere fact of bureaucratic organization does not unambiguously tell us about the concrete direction of its economic effects, which are always in some manner present, but that bureaucracy can be structured to encourage economic growth”. He unfortunately did not live to witness the disastrous effect of bureaucracy on investments in our modern world. At that time, 1968, the world believed in vertical relationships based on the principle of rule-order. Afterward, socio-economists proved clearly enough that this theory is causing a paralyzed commerce and hindering the economic growth.

 The ineffectiveness of bureaucratic process lies in its long and infinite journey of paperwork, hierarchal structures, and indirectness of the chain suppliers.

Paperwork process is, now, old fashioned and useless. Countries, firms and entrepreneurs were always wasting their money, time and energy just to find a good business opportunity. Even more, to apply for a tender or a procurement was sheer distress.

In fact, in the energy sector, how to find electrical tenders and business opportunities were the question of the century. Tendering via paperwork process holds implicitly, sometimes, nepotism, discrimination and preferential behaviors in terms of bidding procedure and results. This is, somehow, due to the presence of third party who are responsible for decision-making.  Eventually, this backward procedure could generates conflicts and less economic prosperity.

II-The digital process of tendering: thinking out of the box

The bureaucratic system has been left behind with the invention of digital processes. The ever-changing façade of digital world is the result of the rapid pace of innovation. Digitizing commerce has been always a cornerstone step that the wealthiest electrical energy companies have ever taken. The beginning was with a group of people who thought out of the box and out of the rule-order regime. Information technology (IT) solutions have been the result of a new generation‘s creativity.

Now forget about hundreds of requested papers, documents and the need of physical presence in order to bid for a tender or to seize an opportunity you were dreaming about. The routine tasks are over. All what you have to do is to scan, save and send; I would call the “3s” process, then your company will be ready to bid for any procurement or tender. (See the image below to better grasp the meaning).

a)      Digital provides a flow of data:

Oppositely to the past, data in the digital world is unlimited. Contrary to the previous decade, where information was rare and the holder of any piece of information was ruling the world (who owns the information owns power theory). They had the tendency of monopolizing business opportunities and tenders in particular.  Technically speaking, monopolizing economy was possible before the appearance of technology, but now, it is impossible to do so.

Contemporarily, data is flowing in an infinite way through internet. Like it or not economy is more and more relying on technology and depending on data provided there. The quantity of data displayed in the internet about commercial transactions is huge. Businessmen who are looking for business opportunities on the web should search in that unlimited set of websites and certainly they would find good affairs. Specifically, electricity procurements published from a governmental or private body would be surely getting interesting bids.

      Digital provides support and easiness

Web based tendering facilitates the whole process. Tendering through platforms is the easiest way to publish your procurement and have the best bids. Maybe one would ask; what is exactly a platform?

Many platforms are working now to provide that easiness of transaction. Even though these platforms are sometimes heavily paid, one have to admit that they are providing a wide range of services and benefits.  Not forget to mention that there are other platforms, in the energy sector, which are operational, trustworthy, and available for free such as e-electricity.com platform. It is a business-to-business (B2B) platform that provides a ground for affairs to grow larger. This kind of networks are considered very affordable (in the example mentioned below it is even free) and open for business opportunity seekers to find their objectives (for the supplier) and their needs (for the tenderer) .

c)       Digital provides a direct contact

To empower and enlarge your list of suppliers in the field of renewable and nonrenewable energy is an essential step towards prosperous business. E commerce has a huge impact and influence on the suppliers and on the supply chain itself. Technology has initiated what is called the decentralization of power of the information.

Nowadays, the channels of communication in commerce have shifted from the physical contact to digital contact. Being able to travel and search for the best business opportunity is costly and futile.

Now, e-commerce and platforms in particular has changed the vision of future of marketing once and forever. Renewable Energy tenders would benefit from a full list of electrical energy companies and manufacturers, which are instantly contacting them and making bids for the tenders ‘published. 

d)      Digital accuracy and speed:

Stakeholders, such as member States, industries companies of electrical equipment are looking for the best way to interact and share information. The accessibility of data, supplier and customer makes the whole process faster and more useful.

A comprehensive inclusive dialogue between the trios mentioned above -within a digitized process -is necessary in order to reach the ultimate goal, which is finding business opportunity. Not only finding the electrical tender of your dream but also finding it in an accurate and speedy way. Global electrical tenders are available to top electric supply and equipment companies to bid and catch the deal.

Platforms advisers and support teams are willing to help industrial electrical companies to make the best bid decisions, and to deliver the requested added value to both the tenderer and the bidder.

e)      Fairness and transparency

Tenders found in digital platforms are always based on two main principles: fairness and transparency. The procedure is always clear and concise. After that a governmental electricity procurement or tender is published, the portal of participation would be widely open for every company in a fair way. Unless that you submit the bid for any tender after its deadline or that you do not meet the criteria needed; you would be probably gaining the business opportunity of your life. You only have to send an online quote to the tenderer and wait for the result. The bids will be studied and the results are to be displayed online with total transparency. Any nepotism, discrimination or preferential behaviors are refused and the perpetrator will be sanctioned.



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