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The Green and Clean Community: 5 Ways Your Family Can Make Your Neighborhood Environmentally Friendly

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All over the country, people are looking for ways to be more environmentally friendly and encourage others to be a part of the process. Here are some of the best ways you can work together with your neighborhood to become a green and clean community!



Did you know that U.S. Car owners spend about $900 a month on car expenses alone? Starting a neighborhood carpool can save you and your community money, and lessen the carbon footprint of the neighborhood. If there are kids in your neighborhood going to the same school, a weekly carpool where parents alternate days taking the children is a great place to start.


Organize a Community Clean Up

Cleaning up debris around the neighborhood is a great way to get everyone to work together to restore and freshen up the area. Over recent years, the recycling industry has adopted new methods of recycling that are more sustainable. For example, Green Bins is a recycling company that supplies people with eco-friendly options for removing waste.


Eat Local

Locate your local farmer’s markets and tell your neighbors about them. They usually happen once a week and tend to be on the weekends, so load everyone up in one car and head out to support your local businesses. This is not only good for the local economy, it will encourage everyone around you to eat more healthily.


Start a Community Compost Pile

Composting is a natural way of recycling food waste and can give your community garden a boost of nutrients. Gardeners call it “Black Gold”. To start a compost pile, find a large container to store your food waste. It will break down and can be given to gardeners in the community to help treat their soil.


Recycle Properly

Most of us know that you should recycle but don’t know exactly how to recycle properly. Organizing a get together with your neighborhood on waste management and recycling can help get everyone involved in creating a more sustainable community.


Getting the community together to share ideas on sustainable living is not only good for the planet, it is good for enhancing human connection. With all the time spent indoors and with technology it is easier now than ever to become disconnected from each other. Working together as a community can build a support network in which everyone is helping to contribute to a better and more fulfilling future.


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