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Saving Water with Responsible Irrigation

Saving water and using it efficiently has been a concern for centuries. Even the Roman Empire made use of aqueducts to channel and manage their urban water usage. Now we have places like Cape Town facing severe water shortages which severely affect both the home user and the agricultural sector. Without water, we cannot produce crops, and the economy suffers. That is why we need to start implementing smart, responsible irrigation systems.

Stop watering in the rain!

Why would you want to use irrigated water, which you need to pay for, when the heavens are about to open up onto your land for free? It may seem like a small amount of water in the grand scheme of things, but all that water you wasted could have gone to a household or farm in greater need.

That is why farming irrigation suppliers now have rain sensors that can be installed in automated irrigation systems to ensure that your systems stay shut off while it is raining. Irrigation suppliers can also help you get a hold of electronic systems capable of testing the moisture levels in your soil. In this way, if your moisture levels are high enough but it’s not raining, your irrigation systems will remain responsibly quiet, only watering exactly when needed.

Invest in leak detection systems

Leaks are an obvious waste of water, and they often crop up through no fault on anybody’s part. However, even if you are not causing these leaks you need to make sure you are aware of them when they do occur, as a responsible citizen. Another great device that farming irrigation suppliers have available for both home and agricultural users is a leak detection system. There are numerous variations of these devices, and so a little research is in order to make sure you get the right one, but the basic function is obvious: find any and all leaks to be patched.

By identifying leaks with these systems and regular manual checks you can make sure that you curb any surprise water wastage in a timely fashion. If you are doing manual checks, look for either dry spots or overly wet spots. If there is too much water somewhere, or too little, it is a clear indication that your irrigation system isn’t flowing like it should.

Consider upgrading your irrigation system

Another great way to assist in saving water is by making sure you have an up-to-date irrigation system. This may sound a little strange, but as any farming irrigation supplier will tell you the latest systems are always designed to improve efficiency and ecological impact. Otherwise there wouldn’t be much point in coming up with advancements that aren’t really any better than the old systems.

Speak to a reliable irrigation supplier about systems such as drip irrigation, green wall irrigation and mist pipes. These systems have all proven to be effective in using water more efficiently, especially in smaller-scale fruit farming – a sector which is taking a major knock around the Cape Town area. Doing your part can be as simple as just having the right equipment. So let’s all do our part!


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