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Ready for Change? 4 Steps to Make Your Company Greener in 2018

Ready for Change 4 Steps to Make Your Company Greener in 2018.jpeg

It is the start of a new year, and that means making your company even better. There are a lot of ways to do this from improving your planning to grow profits. One way though to improve your company that you may not have considered is making it greener. After reading this article, you will have at least four ideas to make your company better while also helping the planet.

LED Lights

The first idea to make your company greener is by switching your lighting to LEDs. These use less energy than fluorescent bulbs or incandescent bulbs. They may cost more upfront, but this extra cost is spread out over years of use. This is because they can last five times longer than other bulb options. Which means you will be saving your company money and helping use less energy.

Install Solar Panels

Another great way to help the environment is by having solar panels installed. Solar panels are great because they provide clean and reusable energy. Even on cloudy days, you can gather some solar power, and you can have batteries installed so on good days the extra energy can be stored. Solar panels may be costly but having them allows you to produce some of your own energy. This means that you don’t have to pay the electric company as much. Also, you can get some tax benefits for having solar panels installed.


An easy way to make your company greener is implementing recycling. All you have to do is invest in some bins and have your workers put glass, paper, plastic and metal into them. Then you just have a service come pick them up or drop them off at a recycling center. This can save you money because it means you will be using your dumpsters less, and also some areas they pay you for metals, so it might actually earn you a little money while helping the environment.

Do Business with Green Companies

One last idea is you can focus on doing business with other green companies. This means if you have options of suppliers for a resource that you need that you can pick the one that has less carbon footprint. By doing this you are encouraging green practices and helping other green companies to stay in business. You can also learn different green practices from other companies and can get more green ideas from Inc.

Being green isn’t really that hard, and while some things are costly at first to implement they can save your company money in the long run. On top of saving your company money though, being green helps the planet and makes it a great place for everyone to live.



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