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How to Inexpensively Reduce Your Water Consumption


Overtaxing the natural sources of water can seriously degrade the ecosystem. Water restrictions have become commonplace in urban areas. This is partly due to population growth. In addition, droughts in areas like California have become worse in recent years. There is also a personal incentive to save water. You will save money on your water bill if you by water consumption.

Change Water Use Habits

You would be surprised by how much water you waste due to habitual behavior. For example, you may routinely take a bath instead of showering. Baths consume up to 70 gallons of water a shower only uses 10 to 25 gallons. It’s also a good idea not to let the tap run while you brush your teeth or shave. That unused water is money down the drain. Another way to reduce water use is to run the clothes washer and dishwasher only when they are full. Avoid over watering your lawn. The Environmental Protection Agency says half of the water used outdoors is wasted.

Do Simple Fixes

Change your shower head for a low-flow model. You can do the same for faucets with few simple tools by installing flow restrictors. Check for toilet leaks by putting a few drops of food coloring in the tank. If there is color in the bowl after 30 minutes, buy a repair kit from your building supply store.

Watch for Leaks

Check for plumbing leaks periodically. A single dripping faucet can waste up to 3,000 gallons yearly. You may be able install a new faucet yourself, but call a professional if you need to. Leaks only get worse with time. Watch for signs of trouble. For example, drain cleaning is occasionally necessary, but a clogged drain can usually be cleared with a plunger or drain cleaner. Again, you may need a professional like King Rooter to do major drain cleaning. The thing to remember is that constant clogging indicates worn plumbing, which is likely to start leaking.

Buy Efficient Appliances

Clothes washers and Dishwashers are not inexpensive. However, there is a way of limiting the cost of water saving models. Wait until you are ready to buy a new one. Choose a water saving model and the only cost is the difference compared to traditional designs. Finally, consider a low flow toilet. These save 1.3 to 1.6 gallons per flush, which adds up to thousands of gallons each year. If you are handy with tools, you can install it yourself, and a low flow toilet isn’t very expensive


Admittedly, fixing some plumbing problems requires costly professional help. However, there are a lot of ways you can do to inexpensively reduce water use. The secret is to be proactive. Steps such as changing habits costs you nothing. In fact, lifestyle changes save you money.



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