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Termites can do thousands of dollars worth of damage to your home. If you see them, it's tempting to want to call an exterminator to deal with the infestation quickly. Exterminators use chemicals to kill termites, which isn't great for the environment. Instead of using chemicals, there are organic, eco-friendly ways to deal with termites.

Sodium Borate

This compound is mildly toxic but not detrimental to the environment. Sodium borate kills the termites ability to process food so they will die. It can be dusted around the perimeter of the home to deter termites from entering. It's recommended that the compound is added in the attic, basement and window sills to keep termites from entering the home.

Keep pets and children away from the dust. It shouldn't be ingested by animals or people. The dust can be applied carefully so it's not in an exposed state. Carefully apply the sodium borate along the cracks in between the sills and the wall. In the basement, it can be added in cracks in the wall or along the outside of the home.

Beneficial Nematodes

Nematodes resemble unsegmented worms. There are a few different species of nematodes and most are considered pests that will attack plants and ruin crops. The nematodes that are considered parasites are tiny and will attack tomatoes, lettuce, corn and carrots at the roots. They will cause lesions and distorted leaves in plants like onions and alfalfa. The damage they cause can be extremely widespread and kill off entire farms.

The beneficial nematodes will eat organic matter so they're used in compost. The family of nematodes that eat insects include Heterorhabditidae or Steinernematidae. They can be purchased from home improvement or garden centers. Nematodes thrive in moist, humid environments. It's important to keep the soil damp after applying them.

Before using either option, decide which would benefit your problem and give a solid solution. Sodium borate leaves a light dusting of powder that can produce a mess if not applied correctly. With nematodes, you're introducing a parasitic entity into your yard. Make sure you have the correct type of nematode because the wrong kind can kill plants.


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