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Environmentally Friendly Construction Business

Construction business in known to have a great effect on many aspects of our life and environment protection is most certainly one of them. For example, the US Green Building Council (USGBC) estimates that almost one third of raw material consumption and approximately the same percentage of greenhouse gas emissions are directly related to this field of industry. When you add the fact that more than 10% of potable water use is also closely connected with construction business, it becomes quite clear why companies from all over the world are looking into the ways to make their business more sustainable and environment friendly.

Regardless of your specialization, both commercial and residential construction can really benefit from more sustainable processes. It can actually be your unique selling proposition that your customers will recognize and decide to hire you, particularly because the awareness of the importance of going green rises constantly. If your company manages to create such a market advantage, it will be recording much better results, while at the same time being responsible and respectful towards the environment.

Whether existing public and commercial buildings are renovated and retrofitted or new ones are built, the use of environmentally responsible and energy efficient materials and technologies will create many benefits. Let’s have a look at some of them.


Increased revenue

It’s been projected that green and sustainable building revenue will continue to grow at this rate and pass $300 billion by the end of this year. The number of people employed in this industry is also continuing to grow and so is the demand for green building projects. That is an excellent opportunity for your company to increase its revenue if you are able to meet the requirements of the market.

When you look at sustainable homes and buildings, you may not be able to notice the difference between them and traditional facilities. Still, specialized designs and materials that decrease the negative impact on environment will provide many advantages to those using the spaces constructed in this way.

In order to be able to achieve this goal, you need to gather a team of motivated and skilled architects, construction engineers, suppliers of materials and equipment as well as experts in construction waste removal. Managing to create such a team will significantly increase your chances of boosting your revenue.

Bigger budgets

Truth be told, it’s not cheap to create sustainable homes and buildings, since you need to be ready to splash out more initially. Experience has shown that green construction projects are up to 10 percent more expensive than traditional construction projects. Naturally, the exact costs depend on many factors, such as design, materials, schedule and location, but clients need to be ready to spend more up-front.

Still, they can full expect their investment to pay off soon through lower electricity and water bills, maintenance fees and increased resale value of the property. Also, some countries offer special tax incentives, which stimulate sustainable construction and, depending on your location, this could be another significant saving.

Needless to say, such tax credits come with numerous rules and requirements, but every knowledgeable contractor or construction company should know what is necessary. This is also another service you can offer to your clients – advisory and consulting services.  


Remodelling and retrofitting

This is another area that has become much more popular recently. People are using the opportunity to have their existing facilities remodelled and retrofitted in a way that will bring about all the benefits of a green building. Companies which focus only on new buildings are missing out on great opportunities to convert and improve facilities with tradition and history into much more environment-friendly places and to make more profit.

More and more homeowners are remodelling their homes using eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient appliances, smart designs and other features of green living. Again, the initial investment, which can be substantial, is usually very quickly paid off through lower bills, maintenance fee and increased resale value of the property.

Final remarks

With more and more companies and construction managers doing everything they can to become certified in sustainable construction, you need to make sure you don’t fall behind, since this is undoubtedly an industry on the rise and its seems that the growth is here to stay for a while.

Failing to respond to the modern-day demand might see you without job sooner than you think. The increasingly strict rules and regulations that impose requirements related to construction and environment protection are serving as a filter that separates those who are ready and capable to adapt from those who haven’t succeeded or even tried to adapt their business to the new circumstances.




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