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Your vehicle is part of your livelihood, but it can also be detrimental to the environment. When you forgo routine maintenance or auto repairs that your vehicle needs, you might be burning damaging fuel that pollutes the atmosphere. Burning cleaner fuel from your car is quite easy to do; even if you drive a diesel vehicle.

In Canada, greenhouse gas emissions are a grave concern. Luckily, between 2005 and 2012, the country saw a decrease by 5.1 per cent in emissions despite the economic development. Now it is time to do your part by burning cleaner fuel and reducing your vehicle’s impact on the environment.

Useful Green Tips for Burning Cleaner Fuel

There are numerous ways you can reduce your greenhouse gas emissions. One way is to keep up with your vehicle maintenance. Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centres offers auto repair in Vancouver and its surrounding cities that can help improve your vehicle’s performance and “green” quotient.

Here are just a few ways you can make your vehicle more eco-friendly in 2017:

1.       Adjust Your Driving Technique – Do you find that you are going through a full tank of gas too quickly? Then your driving technique might need an adjustment. Avoid the sudden stops and starts, and always follow the speed limit. It will improve your mileage per litre, and reduce emissions.

2.       Tune Your Vehicle - Tune-ups and maintenance keep your car clean. You will burn less gas, reduce emissions, and save yourself the hassles of vehicle breakdowns later.  Therefore, it is a win-win for everyone involved.

3.       Carpool - If you cannot afford an upgrade to a hybrid or eco-friendly car, consider carpooling with friends to school or co-workers to the office. Try just one shared trip per week, and then see if you can increase it to every time you need to travel to work.

4.       Keep the AC Down - During the summer, you might want to turn up your AC, but using your air conditioner forces heavier emissions. Try cracking the windows open or using a windshield shade when you park your car to keep it cool.

Benefits of a Well-Tuned Vehicle: Book Your Auto Repair in Vancouver and Surrounding Cities

Did you know that with regular auto maintenance, such as oil changes, air filter changes, and tune-ups, you can increase your mileage per litre by 25 percent? At Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centres, we want to help you make a positive impact.  That is why we offer a variety of services that help you maintain your vehicle’s eco-friendliness, but save you money too. When your car is well maintained, you get better gas mileage and reduce the likelihood of a costly repair later.

Find a location near you and book your appointment for a repair or maintenance with the expert technicians at Minit-Tune & Brake Auto Centre. Have questions? Talk to our auto repair experts by calling a location near you.

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