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H20 & Air Quality: How Your Local Environment Affects Your Family's Health

H20 and Air Quality How Your Local Environment Affects Your Family's Health.jpeg

If you or your family members have trouble breathing when you're outside or even inside your home, then you might want to think about the local environment. The air that you breathe can affect almost every aspect of the body. It can even affect your moods and how you feel on a daily basis. Keep in mind that it's not just one thing in the environment that impacts the health. It's a culmination of variables that you need to be aware of so that you can take care of your family. Here are just a few things that you need to take into consideration:

Air Quality

When you go outside, you might sense a heavy feeling in the air. This is a sign of poor air quality for the day. Everything from high humidity to smog and pollution from local businesses and cars can create a poor air quality. One of the things that you can do to help this situation is to carpool or use public transportation instead of driving every day to work, especially in the summer when air alerts are higher.

Staying Hydrated

If you have water through a city or county supply, then you probably know that there are times when the water can taste more like chemicals than tap water. Some areas add chemicals to the supply to filter out bacteria and other items that might be unhealthy. A wastewater treatment plant often filters the supply before it's delivered to homes, but there are times that contaminations still get through. If you feel like any contamination is getting through, though, you should contact your city to make sure that the water source is going through proper and efficient waste and water treatment. Meanwhile, you can boil water that you think is unhealthy or contact your local government office to make a complaint. Don’t hesitate, however, to keep looking into the issue and researching more info about it.

What You Eat

Some people might not think that the food that you eat is a part of the environment, but where do you think that you get the meat, vegetables and fruits that you consume? If there are pesticides or bacteria or any other items that interfere with the food that you eat, it can make you sick. There are even times when these contaminants can cause death. This is why you want to clean the foods that you prepare and shop from local farmers as much as possible.

Trash Compacting

When you walk along the streets and sidewalks in your town, you can sometimes see litter along the way. Some towns have more trash on the ground than others. Living in a town that doesn't seem to care about the appearance can take its toll on your mental health and make you want to move if it gets too bad. Do your part by picking up trash that you see and putting it in a proper disposal.

The environment can do more harm than good for the body and mind if there are negative aspects. There are groups that you can join to positively change the environment so that it's healthier for you and the family. If necessary, stay inside as much as possible on days that just aren't ideal to be outside.



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