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3 Home Energy Wasters And How To Fix Them


As a savvy homeowner, you do your part to save energy. You turn off lights when leaving a room and turn back the thermostat when you go to work. Yet, if you're scratching your head wondering why your energy bills are still too high, don't fret. Tighten up your home efficiency strategy with these solutions to 3 big home energy wasters.


Window Pains

Glass isn’t a very good thermal insulator. In fact, chances are your windows are the Achilles' heel of your home’s shell — leaking air and allowing heat energy to easily transfer. Pick up a glass of iced or hot tea, and you can feel the heat transfer through glass for yourself. Here's what to do.


Air seal:

Caulk is a great weapon against window air leaks. A thin line of caulk can seal junctures at siding and window frames. Rope caulk works great to seal window sashes. Clear caulk stops those rattling and leaky window panes.



Rotting and warping wood window frames should be repaired or restored if you choose not to replace.



Old, single-pane windows are no match for efficiency and home comfort compared to modern Energy Star-qualified two- and three-pane glass. Moreover, window replacements give your home’s curb appeal new life.

If any of these prove to be a little bit too much to do on your own, call professionals like those at Glasshopper Schor Glass to help you.


Ductwork Problems

Your furnace and central air systems work hard to churn out warm and cool air for your home. However, it’s your ductwork that actually transports the conditioned air to where you need it. Like your windows, air ducts waste energy in two major ways — air leaks and transferring heat energy. Insulate ducts outside the heating barrier, and use heat-resistant metal tape to seal loose and leaky ducts.


Energy Vampires

Unlike the fictional vampires of fables, literature, and movies that only lurk around at night, energy vampires suck the electricity out of your sockets 24/7/365! This is because many products and appliances — large and small — and electronic gadgets plugged into electrical outlets use energy whether they're on or off.


The two most practical ways to stop these energy vampires from sucking the life out of your energy budget every month is to use power strips and shop for Energy Star-qualified products where possible. So, connect all of your cell phone chargers, microwaves, toaster ovens, espresso machines and the like to power strips, and flip the switch when not in use.


Only perform DIY projects that you can accomplish safely. For the best results reducing energy waste in your home, contact your home service professional.




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