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Simple strategies for truck drivers who strive for a greener world



It has been calculated that an overwhelming number of over 93 million 159-litre oil barrels are consumed on a daily basis all around the world. By recent estimates, by 2090 world reserves of fossil fuels will be significantly diminished. We will not run out of fuel completely as new reserves will probably be found, however it is important to consider everyday fuel consumption especially if one is working within transportation industry.




Driving style

When you take a closer look at driving methods, inspect the routes carefully, and keep an eye on the truck, fuel savings can easily be found. First of all, sudden speed changes such as quickly slowing down or speeding up require the engine to work harder and, as a result, it needs to burn more fuel. In order not to force up the engine excessively, it is a good idea to drive as smoothly as possible and observe speed limits. Another thing is to choose the most convenient and at the same time the shortest route which has the fewest stop lights so that you can drive undisturbed for miles. Considering current fuel prices implementing fuel-saving strategies can also bring huge savings in the financial department, so it is worth to give them a try.


Truck aerodynamics


It's no secret that the more weight you carry, the more fuel your truck consumes due to disturbed aerodynamics. An environmentally conscious driver should understand that it is crucial to remove all excess baggage, useless tools, broken or unnecessary parts, and fancy headache racks and go for simple vehicle efficiency upgrades such as wheel-well covers and trailer flaps. Moreover, the tires should always be inflated to recommended PSI as rolling resistance has a huge impact on aerodynamic efficiency as well.


Regular maintenance


Not only the way you drive takes its toll on fuel consumption, but it is also the condition of the truck that matters, so if you want to be more eco-friendly driver, remember to conduct regular truck maintenance. Transportation companies and truck rental firms such as Abel do pay special attention to regular inspections. For individuals who struggle with car maintenance it is recommended to install a special reminder manager app or set up recurring calendar notifications. It is crucial to check the oil regularly, add and change it when needed. Also, replacing air filters can significantly cut down fuel consumption and reduce the emission of toxic fumes. Whenever you notice that any part of the truck is not working properly, it is better to inspect it carefully than to cause excessive and, let's be honest, unnecessary increased fuel consumption.



People get accustomed to the good things pretty quickly. However, many drivers forget that seat warmers, fans, defrosters and the AC run on gas, too. And the latter is said to be the biggest fuel-consumer of the pack. Many of these options turn on automatically, so try to monitor them carefully and use only when necessary. Some drivers claim that also frequently opening truck windows disturbs its aerodynamics which can contribute to increased fuel consumption. Of course there are days that resigning from any form of heating or cooling will pose serious health hazards, however it is worth to keep in mind even the smallest channels of fuel waste.


With growing concern about the planet's well-being, no wonder many truck drivers look for ways to minimize the impact their vehicles have on the ecosystem. Millions of trucks cruise the world every day and with efficient driving strategies and implementing simple routines truck drivers can significantly contribute to slowing down the climate change.



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