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Eco-Friendly Energy Solutions – A Great Franchise Opportunity

We're going to need more and more renewable energy sources in the coming generations to keep pace with tomorrow's energy demands.

More intelligent and sustainable energy solutions translate into a world in which business growth isn't constrained in the least and a world where homeowners and business owners alike have more money in their pockets from one month (or one quarter) to another. 

Renewable energy sources like solar, wind and hydropower can provide all the energy that our growing planet needs...and at an affordable, sustainable rate. We only need to be smart enough to harness what's right in front of us.

Why Renewable Energy Franchises Can Meet Tomorrow's Demand 

If you counted up every man, woman and child around the world today you would, according to a United Nations estimate, come out with a number of just over 7 billion people.

While that number might sound a bit steep, what's perhaps more surprising is that by 2050—less than two generations away—we'll have nearly 10 billion people to worry about.

By 2100, that same United Nations survey estimates we'll be well over 11 billion people around the globe. 

The Time for Renewables is Now 

The time to get behind renewable energy sources is right now because we need to have the infrastructure in place to meet the growing energy needs of today's burgeoning population. The sooner we all embrace renewable energy sources the better. 

The U.S. government and Energy Star have already teamed up to start offering customer subsidies for products that are more energy efficient, greener or that tap renewable energy sources (e.g., solar and wind) more than their less efficient counterparts. 

Everyone realizes that we need to move towards renewables right away in order to move away from finite energy sources that cause pollution and contribute to global warming. Renewable energy is often cheaper and almost always cleaner than finite energy sources like oil and coal. 

There's also a real need to create jobs right here in America, which renewables can help with. There's a good chance that renewable energy will first be used as a complement to traditional, finite energy sources before being used more independently to cut global CO2 emissions, reverse some of the causes of climate change, and promote more energy diversity for more Americans. 

In short, renewable energy can help to create new jobs all across America, make our country more energy independent (and less dependent on foreign oil), and perhaps even create whole new energy sectors to power global growth over the coming generations. 

Get In on the Growth: Renewable Energy Franchise 

Up to this point, we've talked about growth from the standpoint of population growth anticipated over the coming generations and business growth that needs to at least keep pace to survive. 

What many people don't know is that the U.S. Energy Information Administration predicts that total renewables' contribution to the electric supply will increase by over 11% by the end of this year.

Solar photovoltaic is slated to perform especially well through 2017 as well; states like California, Texas, and Georgia are expected to make the strongest contributions to the uptick in gigawatt power coming from cutting-edge solar photovoltaic renewable energy. 

Renewables Have Become a Booming Industry 

Our population growth and increasing energy demands actually call for an innovative solution. Renewables are just that, and the renewables sector is now appraised at over half a trillion dollars and growing.



Recommended Comments

"Our population growth and increasing energy demands actually call for an innovative solution. Renewables are just that, and the renewables sector is now appraised at over half a trillion dollars and growing."

I believe renewables are key, but more important so is the accessibility and commitment to those sources and companies that provide the solar solutions (green solutions).

I found this Eco friendly business directory very useful at connecting people everywhere to local solar energy companies, alternative energy efficiency solutions and clean energy organizations https://www.green-places.org



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11 hours ago, Mo Roufé said:

"Our population growth and increasing energy demands actually call for an innovative solution. Renewables are just that, and the renewables sector is now appraised at over half a trillion dollars and growing."

I believe renewables are key, but more important so is the accessibility and commitment to those sources and companies that provide the solar solutions (green solutions).

I found this Eco friendly business directory very useful at connecting people everywhere to local solar energy companies, alternative energy efficiency solutions and clean energy organizations https://www.green-places.org


Of course, the more people have access to those kind of solutions the better. And that will reduce their price too. I think your directory is a good start for everyone who wants to start making changes. Thank you


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