5 Great Green Ways To Market Your Business
There has never been a better time to go green with marketing than right now. Long gone are the days of bulky newsletters and flyers. Once you choose the right online marketing platform, your presence will be instantly accessible to whoever owns a computer or a smartphone. Here are 5 of the most effective green marketing models that can help you reach all of your business goals.
Social Media
Let’s start with the easiest and most common platform. Social media. Social media is a huge deal and is a really great way to draw attention to your business. You want to be sure that you can be found on Instagram, SnapChat, Facebook, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Flickr, and Twitter and just about any other social media site you can find. Joining these sites will grant you immense opportunities to expose your logo and interact directly with your clients.
Keep in mind, that each of these social media outlets can be used for different purposes. For example:
· Instagram can be used for "behind the scene" action photos.
· Facebook is best for ongoing posts of what the company is currently doing. Be sure to write spectacular social media updates in order to draw the most attention.
· SnapChat is great for mini alert videos.
· StumbleUpon is superb for exposing your newest blog posts in a way that users will share them with one another.
· Twitter allows for quick customer interaction at 140 characters or less.
· Tumblr and Flickr can be your company photo albums.
There is no limit to what you can do, at a very cheap price, if not for free. Be everywhere!
Community Outreach
Go out in the community representing your business or brand by participating in socially responsible events. Examples include:
· 5Ks- from entities such as the American Heart Association, Relay for Life, and World AIDS day.
· charity events
· school fundraisers
· blood drives
· LGBTQ celebrations
· military support events
To be there as a brand, wearing your logos, symbolizes support and active involvement. This can also give you an opportunity to spread the word about the business you believe in and really get involved with your community.
TV, News Sponsorship, Local, and Satellite Radio Advertisement
Yup! These things are still around! Use them! Contact your local news station and ask how you can purchase space time to show your logo during the nightly news. You can also buy a sponsorship that can mention your brand or company at that time. Just Think: "Tonight's community highlight brought to you by [YOUR BRAND]." No need for commercials. Just have relevant sources, such as the news, acknowledge that you have a presence in the community and in the media.
Guest Blogging Services
Guest blogging is a really great way to boost your business. It helps get your company’s name out there in a fast and respectable manner. Sites such as multifuse.com/guest-blogging-services/ offer great content marketing advice and services such as guest blogging. Places like this are great ways to find experts at keyword rankings, SEO, and those tricky techie variables that can be the “makers or breakers” of your online exposure. Finding these experts and getting help with guest blogging can really be a huge benefit for you. The more your brand is exposed, the better results you’ll get. This means more leads to bring traffic into your website. This can also translate into profits, likes, more free influence, and even strengthening your online credibility.
Press Releases
Press releases cause the same effect in the public as a “Breaking News” announcement. They are legit, give you a lot of credibility, and show that you are very serious about what you are merchandising. A press release is proportionally effective to the format and wording used. Make sure that you adopt effective and concise language, or else hire a content marketing agency to do it for you.
Go for it! Nothing is an obstacle in a world where online presence is everything. Put your brand out there, and enjoy the beauty of "influencing."
- Killymoon
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