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7 Green Lifestyle Tips For Students


Student life typically doesn’t give financial stability, so you can’t afford solar panels or driving a hybrid car. But there are still environmentally friendly options you can use, while being on a budget. Implement the next everyday habits to change your attitude to environment and become a green student.

Studying requires you to use a lot of paper. Whether you are writing your lectures, making notes or homework, printing out necessary material, you need a lot of paper. So, if you want to save the environment, make electronic notes when it’s possible. Today it’s really easy even to make audio records of lectures, and make Internet bookmarks to collect important material. When you can’t avoid using paper, make sure you recycle it. Almost all colleges have special paper recycle bins. Make sure to utilize all used paper, as well as bottles and cans.
Along with using electronic notes, you can make use of essay review online. This quick professional service can help you with your homework, so you can use the free time for more important things.

Buy Vintage
Visiting second-hand and vintage shops, you can get more advantages than you can even imagine. At first, you save a lot of money not buying brand clothes. Secondly, this way you have a unique wardrobe and will never meet a friend in the same T-shirt. Eventually, you can take care about nature, as no new items are produced. Try to avoid creating carbon emissions and pollution. Now you understand what a great impact your actions can have. A simple choice like shopping second-hand can make a difference.

Use Old Textbooks 
Being a student you definitely deal with elder students who can sell you used books. You can also sell the book back after the semester. This makes you saving not just your money, but trees as well. Also, pay attention to the variant of using an electronic version of your textbooks. Some professors can give you special resources where you can find necessary materials. There are numerous ways of using old books even after graduation.

Unplug Electronics 
Most people think that electronic devices don’t use electricity, when they are turned off. Unfortunately, this is a great mistake. Appliances are sucking power when they are plugged into outlets. Of course, when you don’t use them, they use less power, but they still use it. In order to use less electricity not wasting money you should unplug each device, which you don’t need to charge.

Save Water
Remember that water is a treasure. However, it can be “recycled” if you use water filters and treatment facilities. You might have never thought, but using more water, you increase the usage of these facilities. Thus, the energy to run these facilities also depends on your water usage. So, you can simply turn off water when washing hands and brushing your teeth.

Use Public Transport 
People drive their cars way too often. If you are a 10 minute walk from a necessary place, don’t use your car. You can walk or ride a bicycle. This is much better for environment and your health as well. When you can’t avoid using a car, try to drive in economical regime, not exceeding the speed limit. Also, you can open your windows instead of using the air conditioner.

Go Vegetarian
 You might have never bothered about the idea of being vegetarian. So, you don’t know that greenhouse gas emissions are produced by meat production more than by transportation of all kinds. This is why eating meatless diet at least some days a week can make our planet cleaner. 

In our modern world people need to think about environmental problems as we all can watch radical changes on our planet. The responsibility starts from you. Try to go green and change your life a bit to make a great change to nature.



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