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What Indoor Plants are Best for the Office

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All indoor plants provide aesthetic, health, and emotional benefits to the workplace. But this doesn’t mean a business or individual can’t go wrong when choosing a plant for a desk or other office space. Simply put, when it comes to indoor plants for an office in Philadelphia, not all plants are created equal.



While each employee will need to take into consideration factors such as sunlight, temperature, watering frequency, and size when selecting a plant for their workspace, a few plants are known to thrive, or at the very least survive, in workplaces in Philadelphia.

The Not So Creepy Spider Plant
The spider plant is one of the most popular office plants across the United States. It can be found in conference rooms and cubicles of all shapes and sizes because this plant is very low maintenance. You need to select a pot that is the right size and shape for your spider plant and water it on a weekly basis.

Other than regular watering, your spider plant is unlikely to need a substantial amount of care. If you do notice brown or wilting leaves on your spider plant, it might need to be trimmed or moved to a location with more sunlight. Spider plants do prefer to be in a bright sunny room, rather than a dark, interior space.

You will recognize the spider plant by its thin, green leaves that shoot straight into the air like spider legs. As your spider plants grow bigger, the leaves will become heavier and longer, when this happens they start to “crawl” down the side of a pot or hanging basket. If your spider plant grows too big, you may need to separate it into two pots.

The Soothing Quality of Aloe
Aloe is famous for providing soft skin, stopping itch, and even healing burns. Ancient cultures used aloe to heal a variety of skin ailments, and a number of these applications carry over to today. However, aloe is also one of the great indoor plants for office in Philadelphia.

Aloe plants are incredibly resilient. They can go longer without water than many other house plants, although there is no reason to test this theory, and take up very little space on your desk or a shelf. Yet, aloe does love sunlight. Anywhere with natural light should work for an aloe plant, but some direct sunlight is best.

In addition to treating burns, scrapes, and dry skin, aloe vera is a fantastic plant for improving air quality. It soaks up a number of the toxins put into your workplace by strong cleaning products and commercial vacuuming. Is there anything this adorable, little plant can’t do?

The Hardy Philandroms
A final plant that does really well in the workspace is philandroms. This plant is actually a vine, but do not worry about it covering your entire desk. The philandrom is easy to trim and simple to maintain. Plus, it is known to survive in a range of different environments. The philandrom is happy with just a little light and water once a week. Of all the plants you can choose for your desk, this is one of the easier ones to keep alive.

Plantscapes in Philadelphia are experts at choosing and arranging interior gardens for your office or other workspace. Call us today to learn more at 610.329.3935!

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