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How to Make Eco Friendly Kitchen?

For many years, kitchens have been just as a places to prepare meals. However, things have changed drastically and many people now recognize the importance of kitchens, especially when it comes to energy conservation. It is no wonder that many homeowners are now considering different helpful ways in making the kitchen more eco friendly. The aim is to make it energy efficient while at the same time taking away the unnecessary strain from the environment. There are many ideas that could be



How Soon Before We Get “Green” 3D Printing?

3D printers are machines that can be used to produce any kind of plastic object by following instructions from a computer. 3D printing is an additive process. So instead of cutting off material from a stock in processes like milling, grinding and turning, the object is produced by adding the precise amount of material required. The stock material used for 3D printing looks like long thin strings of plastic. This cuts out the waste that is associated with traditional manufacturing and has given b



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