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Melbourne's top green living section where you can find hot topics on sustainable architecture, Eco living, recycling and more.

Entries in this blog

Movember 2014 - People Raising Awareness Of a Greater Cause

In the beginning of its outset, Movember was a small movement founded by a couple of men in Adelaide. They came up with the name of the charity event over a pub gathering and soon decided to turn their quirky idea into reality. They started small, later on adding more men from Adelaide and other big Australian cities to the so called “Movember Committee”. Their idea was to raise money and bring awareness about men’s health problems along with helping other non-profiteers such as RSPCA. Not



Shipping Container Dwellings as a Sustainable Housing Solution

Colliding with a 20 sq ft container floating just 18 inches above the water surface isn't something that happens every day, yet is possesses great danger for blue water sailors.       Facts & Figures: Shipping Container Accidents Despite the fact that about 99% of the vessel transported containers make it to their final destination, an approximate of 1% each year slides down the board and starts its own journey crossing the deep blue ocean water. It may seem like an



The Secret About Dolphins - Intelligence Beyond Our Comprehension

Latest researches in oceanology made a stunning discovery about our aquatic-mammal friends, the dolphins. These fascinating creatures use sound waves to locate and communicate with each other, but a closer look at their acoustic capabilities revealed a surprising secret. Stephanie King, leading author from the University of St. Andrews Sea Mammals Research Unit was the first to make this amazing discovery. She was working on a projects and collected acoustic information with her colleagues.



The Evolution Of Business: Go Green And Grow Faster

In the last couple of years, Australia has passed through a great transformation expanding its business industry with more than 4 percent. The great prosperity Australian business owners have leads to the development of more and more companies each year. Along with the tremendous increase of the number of local business offices comes the need of using the services local commercial cleaners offer in many of the big cities such as Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and more. Being on top of the wave of th



Green Cities 2014 : The Green Future for Australia

In March, Victoria's capital city was the country's hot-spot for green building and environmental safety. This exquisite event has met millions supporters through the years striving to educate Australia's population on the benefits of green investments and Eco-oriented lifestyle. Being one of the greenest cities in Australia, Melbourne had been chosen to be hot of this year's Green Cities conference. The event was held at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne where world-leading Eco organizations and s



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