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Green Blog


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About this blog

Hello! I'm a freelance writer and environmental campaigner working with local communities and young people to take action against poor environmental planning. We only have one planet, let's keep it nice so future generations can enjoy it! I don't want to live in a world without polar bears :(

Entries in this blog

What impact will Brexit have on the environment?

The UK is already behind in their environmental targets, so what could an exit from Europe do to our environment credentials? Some of the EU’s biggest achievements are in the field of environmental conservation, with stringent targets placed on things like recycling and renewable energy. It remains to be seen if the UK’s exit from the EU will simply allow them to take the easy way out and ease up on their targets.   Farming and Fishing Two of the the most vocal groups throughout



Tips To Teach Young People To Care About The Environment

As much as we’re all concerned with ensuring younger generations inherit a planet that isn’t on the brink of collapse, shouldn’t we also be concerned with teaching them to care about the planet? While the choice to adopt renewable energy sources might seem out of our control, the decision to teach young people about the environment is very much within our reach. If you have children in your life, why wouldn’t you spend a little time teaching them about how rainforests are the lungs of the earth?



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