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How Biofuels, Microbial Methane, & Artificial Leaves Could Revolutionize the World's Power Sources

Population growth, massive urbanization, and increasing consumer demands will cause major changes in future energy production methods. While there’s no question that the energy system must become more sustainable, Monsanto CMS maintains that it also needs to produce more energy to keep up with both technological advances and consumer expectations. Biofuels are a logical and cost-effective response to the sustainability question. They don’t emit as much carbon dioxide as fossil fuels, and th

Leo Preston

Leo Preston

3 Innovations That May Change The Way Farmers of the Future Use Herbicides

Herbicides are an unfortunate necessity in the world of agriculture. When you’re growing crops, there will always be pesky herbs, weeds, and other unwanted plants that try to hijack the nutrients from your fertile soil, and for the good of your crops, they must be removed. Modern herbicides are quite safe and effective – maintaining the ability to target only specific plants, while washing away harmlessly from crops – but there’s always potential for more innovation, and farmers and agric

Leo Preston

Leo Preston

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