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Keep Queensland Beautiful

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Creating sustainable communities for a better world.

Entries in this blog

Keep Queensland Beautiful aim to ban the release of helium balloons in QLD

KQB has developed a campaign calling for the prohibition of the release of helium balloons in the state of Queensland because of the threat to wildlife and source of litter forced into waterways. When deflated balloons are floating in waterways they can be ingested by marine life such as turtles, fish and dolphins. Despite being made from biodegradable latex, Balloons floating in the ocean can take up to 12 month to degrade. Balloons have a devastating impact on wildlife and the environment.



Keep Queensland Beautiful encourage easy ways to stop Junk Mail.

Keep Queensland beautiful has been working to lead, challenge and inspire all Australians to strike for sustainable and litter free environment. One of the oldest campaign of this KQK is “No junk mail” that encourage Queenslanders to follow easy ways to reduce the distribution of this unsolicited mail. How many resources are wasted to produce that unsolicited mail? Globally, it is estimated that 100 million trees are harvested to produce junk mail each year. In Australia, Junk Mail consti



Nobel prize winner says: "The world is running out helium".

Professor of physics, Robert Richardson from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, won the 1996 Nobel prize for his work on superfluidity in helium, and has issued a warning the supplies of helium are being used at an unprecedented rate and could be depleted within a generation. Professor Richardson warned the gas is not cheap because the supply is inexhaustible, but because of the Helium Privatisation Act passed in 1996 by the US Congress. The Act required the helium stores held underground



Keep Australia Beautiful wants helium balloons banned in QLD

Keep Australia Beautiful is committed to the development of activities and targeted campaigns to educate different sectors of the community to create sustainable communities adopting a wide range of strategies and plans to promote the waste minimization. We have set up an on-line petition calling for the prohibition of the helium balloons in the state of Queensland because of the threat to wildlife and source of litter forced in waterways. Helium is considered a non-renewable gas that is use



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