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Green Blog

Re-Shaping World

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About this blog

Hi everybody!

Welcome to my blog - I don't think it will be anything grand but I would love it to become a place where I can share some of my thoughts and ideas pertaining to the way we can re-shape our world, protecting it from harm, pollution and overconsumption.

I hope you will stay with me on this very important topic :)

Entries in this blog

How to have a green, eco-friendly Christmas

This year, we have been thinking a lot about how to be more eco-friendly. We know that we can turn off lights when we leave the room, walk rather than taking the car where possible, and avoid products which use a lot of plastic packaging. But what can we do at Christmas time to be better for the environment? Here are some tips. Shop local Every product which is imported, from your presents to your tree to your food on the table, has a carbon footprint. If something has travelled o



Just saying hi

Hello everybody! Welcome to my first, introductory post My name is Elizabeth and I hope we will have a chance to become closer friends. Wish my luck in my blogging endeavour. By



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