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5 Materials You May Not Realize Are Recyclable

Recycling is an important part of our society. It not only helps to reduce the amount of material that goes into landfills, but it also saves energy and natural resources. Did you know that many people don't realize their recycling bin can hold more than just paper products? Here are 5 materials you may not have known could be recycled. Motor Oil Annually, Americans use an estimated 270 million gallons of motor oil. Many people don't realize that used oil can be turned into other produ

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap in green living

Ways to Travel That Reduce Your Environmental Impact

There are plenty of reasons why humans travel from one place to the other. When you travel, you get exposed to different places of the world and diverse cultures. While it is a nice and fun experience enjoyed by many, it has been realized that some modes of transportation have negative impacts on the climate and the environment at large. Whether you are using a car, train, ship, or plane, your movements will generate toxic gases and wastes that can be harmful to the environment. However, if you

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap in green living

Best Roof Materials for Energy Efficiency

One of the most common requests being heard by real estate agents from across the nation for homes that use energy-efficient materials. Roofing, especially, is a long-term investment and has a large effect on the overall efficiency of your home’s HVAC system. Younger home buyers entering the market tend to be even more environmentally conscious than their predecessors, and they understand the importance of energy efficiency for the sake of the environment as well as your utility bills. Therefore

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap in green living

Recycled Plastics: What Are They Used For?

Did you know that nearly 300 million tons of plastic waste are produced every year? Unlike other types of waste, such as paper, cardboard, and discarded food, plastic doesn't decompose and stays in the environment forever. You know that recycling plastic is a good thing, but what happens to your old water bottles and margarine containers after you place them in the bin? Here are four common uses for recycled plastics. Bottles, Containers, and Packaging One of the most common uses for r

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap in green living

How to Get the Most Out of Solar Panels

If you have recently decided to install solar panels, then you need to start thinking about some ways that you can make the most out of that technology. Even though modern solar panels require very little maintenance, quite a bit can be done to improve their efficiency and prevent unnecessary damage. Here is a look at a few tips and tricks that will take your solar energy system to the next level.  Feed Less Energy Back Into the Grid Using the energy as it is being produced is going to

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

Green Team: How You Can Help Mend Environmental Damage

Most people today would agree that the world and environment is in far worse shape that it was even just 50 years ago. While increased emissions, growing mounds of garbage, and other factors are impacting the world, this trend can be reversed if all people work together. There are several ways in particular that you can help to mend environmental damage. Be More Environmentally Friendly  If you are trying to find ways to help mend the environmental problems of the past, one of the best thing

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

How to Change Your Home Habits for the Sake of the Environment

Though there is a continuing argument surrounding global warning, many people understand that it is a very real issue. As a result, they’re doing what they can to save the environment. Even though you might not feel like what you can do matters in the grand scheme of things, it really does. Consider these four ways you can change your home habits for the sake of the environment. Purify the Air According to the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air pollution is one of the main

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

How to Turn Your Backyard into a Perfect Spot for Entertainment

If you love to entertain, you may regularly bring family and friends together inside your home for smaller gatherings and larger parties. While your home’s interior may be well-suited for entertaining, it makes sense to enlarge your gathering areas to include your backyard. However, before you plan your first backyard party, you need to create a space that is well-suited for entertaining. These are essential tips that you should follow to create a truly practical space for get-togethers.

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

Beat the Heat: How to Survive the Summer Months While Living in a Dry Climate

Living in an area where the climate is especially dry throughout the summer can be a challenging ordeal. You’re at greater risk of becoming severely dehydrated or suffering from heatstroke if your local weather is exceedingly hot and dry for long periods, so you’ll want to do everything you can to protect yourself. Here are some of the best ways to survive the summer months while living in a dry climate. Plant Some Trees Certain types of trees are known to tolerate the heat well an

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

How to Become Eco-Friendly in Every Aspect of Your Life

If you want to do your part to help the environment, there are some positive changes that you can make in your life. Living an eco-friendlier lifestyle isn’t hard to do, and you can improve your life and benefit the planet in many ways by taking the right steps. Here are a few great ways to become a more eco-friendly individual. Grow Your Own Food Some of the fruits and vegetables that you eat can be grown at home. Growing your own food items cuts down on the fuel and other resourc

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

5 Tips to Making Your Home Environment Friendly

Transforming your home into a green home is a lofty and admirable goal. By achieving this goal, you may decrease your carbon footprint on a regular basis, and you may save a tremendous amount of money on energy costs. The good news is that this goal is attainable, and you can walk through these tips at your own pace to gradually improve your home’s impact on the environment. Upgrade Your Appliances It makes sense to use your outdated appliances for as long as possible. After all, t

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

How to Become Environmentally Friendly in Your Own Home

Taking care of the environment is something that all people are responsible for. For many people, one of the best things that they could do would be to start being more environmentally friendly at home. There are several things, in particular, the average homeowner could do to be more environmentally friendly at their home and help to improve the environment as a whole. Conscious of Waste Removal One of the most effective things that someone could do to be more environmentally frie

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

Save the Planet: 5 Tips to Going Green in Your Startup Cafe

Restaurants are not well-known for being environmentally-friendly. Through the process of running an active establishment, producing huge amounts of food and meeting customers’ needs, a tremendous amount of energy and water waste can occur. In addition, excessive physical waste may be generated, and this often winds up in a landfill. If you are preparing to start a new restaurant business, these tips may help you to create a green venue. Use Green Recycling Bins Trash from a restau

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

Green Living: 4 Tips to Taking Care of the Environment in Your Own Home

Owning your own home comes with plenty of responsibilities, not the least of which is ensuring that your home has as small of an impact on the environment as possible. This sounds great in principle, however, in practice, this can be a difficult goal to achieve. Here are a few tips to beginning a “green” lifestyle while still maintaining the lifestyle you currently enjoy. Upgrade Your Home on Time Your appliances and HVAC system use the majority of energy in your home. That’s why i

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

5 Tips to Being Environmentally Friendly in Your New Home

Trying to be as environmentally-friendly as possible is something that most homeowners want to do. Some are doing it because it ends up saving them money while others worry about the kind of effect they are having on this earth. The following are five tips for eco-conscious people moving into a new home. Good Appliances It is important that you replace some of the appliances in your home. You need to make sure you install eco-friendly appliances that will not drain your electricity

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

Go Green: How to Incorporate Energy Efficient Ideas to the Rest of Your Family

A “green” lifestyle is one which, once it grabs hold of you, doesn’t let go easily. At the same time, unfortunately, getting your family on board with the idea of making major changes can be a bit more challenging. To get them interested, it’s important to take baby steps so they can fully realize the benefits of a “green” lifestyle. Here are a few steps you can take when you have a family member who’s resistant to making eco-friendly changes. Provide a Few LED Bulbs Led bulbs have adv

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

For Sale: 5 Changes You Can Do to Your Yard to Help Your Home Sell

When you put your home on the real estate market, you hope for a fast sale at the price you desire. Many factors affect the price of a home and it’s ability to sell quickly, such as hire a mortgage company to help you with your home loans, but you can take proactive steps to attract buyers by ensuring it looks its best, both inside and out. Many sellers take great pains to repair and paint the inside of the home but neglect the small improvements on the outside that can make a big difference in

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

4 Landscaping Tips That Will Save You Time and Money on Your Personal Property

CBS says that you can get more than 100 percent return on your investment when you choose smart lawn ideas like planters, some bushes, a tree, and mulch. Depending on how much money you have to spend on your yard, you can upgrade a little or a lot. By using rocks, gravel, and planters, you will minimize the yard space you have to mow. Hardscaping One of the fastest and easiest ways to minimize the size of your lawn is to add some gravel to create a seating area, fire pit, or other outd

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

4 Great Types of Equipment for Property Upkeep

You bought a nice, large piece of land. It covers many acres, and it is presently an overgrown, entangled mess. With the right kind of equipment, you will be able to have your property in shape and ready to use the land for the purposes you have in mind. The following are four types of equipment you may want to consider. A Truck No property maintenance and upkeep project is going to get very far without a solid truck designed to handle the task. With a large open bed, your truck ca

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

Green Habits: 4 Easy Tips to Save Energy at Home

Being conscious of the environment is an important responsibility that everyone shares. Those that are looking to be greener and more conscious of their impact on the environment should start their efforts at home. There are four important tips that someone could follow that would help anyone to be more environmentally friendly at home and reduce their carbon footprint. Recycle One great way to be greener at home is to set up a regular wastewater filtration system. All families and

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

Land Maintenance: 4 Tips to Taking Care of Your Property in All 4 Seasons

Mother Nature can wreak havoc on your property in different ways throughout the year. While you may understandably be focused on protecting your home from damage throughout the year, you also need to think about land care and maintenance. After all, the condition of your land can affect your property in many ways. As one example, irrigation issues can result in erosion or a loss in property value. These are some of the excellent steps that you can take to care for your land year-round. Main

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

Energy Saver: 5 Ways You Can be More Efficient and Save Money on Your Monthly Bills

The rising cost of energy is a big concern for many people. While energy usage is continuing to be more expensive, there are now many ways that the average person could cut back on the amount of energy that they use. There are five tips in particular that all people could follow to cut their energy usage. Home Automation One of the best things that you could do to save on energy costs would be to use a home automation system. Home automation systems will turn electronics on and off whe

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

3 Simple Ways You Can Improve the Appearance of Your Yard

As you drive through your neighborhood, you may notice a few yards that have been beautifully designed and immaculately maintained. When you compare these yards to your own, you may feel as though your home is woefully inadequate. Dressing up your curb appeal can seem like a major undertaking, but the task can be simplified with gorgeous results when you follow a few easy steps. Create a Plan Before you make any changes to your yard, you need to have a clear vision of what you want to

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

Save Energy: 4 Ways You Can be More Cost-Effective and Efficient with Your Utilities

Saving money on your energy bills may be a year-round goal. Many homeowners try to curb consumption through an adjustment of their own behaviors. For example, you may try to turn out the lights when you are not in a specific room. However, these types of actions have minimal impact on your energy bill, and you may be frustrated by the lack of results that you are generating. If you want to see a major improvement in your energy bill, consider making these important changes. Upgrade Your Old

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

External Value: How to Vamp up Your Outdoor Patio

When looking to add value to a home, many people immediately think of remodeling the kitchen, installing new flooring, or adding a fresh coat of paint throughout the interior. Outdoor spaces are often neglected, even though they are an important part of any home. However, with a little TLC and some easy-to-execute projects, you can vamp up your patio and make it a place people want to hang out. Scientists agree that everyone could benefit from spending more time outside, and updating your

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Meghan Belnap

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