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Energy conservation and energy efficiency are two terms that are often confused with each other. Both have the same purpose and that is saving up on energy. However, there is a huge difference in what both actually mean.


So what is the difference between the two?

The difference between the two is very easy to comprehend. Assume that 'energy' is a marathon runner. Now energy has two strategies to win the race. Either he can cut back on his speed as the race commences so that he can save up his energy and use it at the end of the race to run faster than the rest of the participators or he can run a little differently throughout the race by focusing on a few running practices and using them appropriately. The former strategy will make him a conservative runner while the latter will make him more of an efficient runner. In both cases, there is a high probability of his winning the race. This is the basic difference between energy conservation and energy efficiency. Read on to find details on both terms. 

What is meant by energy conservation?

As can be guessed from the term, energy conservation basically means to save energy through an action of reducing a service. There are numerous ways of doing that- walking or riding a bicycle to cover short distances instead of driving a car that either runs on petrol or gas, turning down your thermostat by a degree or two and unplugging your electronic devices and appliances when they are not being used. By taking all of these measures, you are actually reducing the amount of fuel or electricity that you would have normally used, therefore conserving energy. Energy conservation feels more of an uncomfortable and inconvenient idea, however, it can help to cut down on your energy bills and even save common yet precious natural resources such as coal, gas and oil for use in the future. An additional source can help you learn more about the subject.

What is meant by energy efficiency?

The term energy efficiency implies saving energy but in an efficient manner, that is, keeping the same level of service as before. A very simple example of energy efficiency is replacing an incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb that saves up on energy automatically but provided equal amount and intensity of light. Other than this, you can be energy efficient by keeping the thermostat of your heating on the constant instead of switching it on frequently and that too on a higher level of degree.

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