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EfficienCity - The sustainable future of cities?

Are you interested in how a sustainable city could look like? Just take a look at the EfficienCity!

EfficienCity is a city built and governed by Greenpeace. The city shows, with text, images and video how a sustainable city it’s made, the flash application way.

The site is packed with interesting information that explains and give examples on how a smart and "eco-friendly" city should look like. You can easily zoom in on the different buildings in the city and learn more about, for example, how bio-gas, wave, wind and solar is being used throughout the city.

EfficienCity mainly targets UK citizens. But as you know the world is global and these things can be implemented in almost any city worldwide.

Jamie, from Making Waves says that "if you believe our government, you'd think we need nuclear power and coal to stop climate change, but come and pay a visit to EfficienCity, which shows how pioneering, real world communities around the UK are using decentralised energy."

And he proudly adds that as a result the city is "enjoying lower greenhouse gas emissions, a more secure energy supply, cheaper electricity and heating bills and a whole new attitude towards energy."

The site is built by the design agency Biro Creative.

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Guest Crystal

Guest Crystal


Your sustainable city was amazing - it really helped me on my geography essay. I wish life was as easy as that, but atleast you have put this amazing proto-type up on display - wait till my geography class sees this!!! Thank you once again. Green Peace RULES!! :P

Guest Crystal

Guest Crystal


Your sustainable city was amazing - it really helped me on my geography essay. I wish life was as easy as that, but atleast you have put this amazing proto-type up on display - wait till my geography class sees this!!! Thank you once again. Green Peace RULES!! :P

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