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Dell Eco Bamboo Computer

Michael Dell, the chairman and CEO of Dell, announced at the Fortune Green conference that the computer company will start selling a "never before seen" eco-inspired computer with a bamboo casing later this year.

The computer will be, according to Dell, 80% smaller than an average desktop computer. It will also contain recycled materials from plastic bottles and use 71% less energy than the average desktop computer.

The price tag is expected to land somewhere between $500 and $700. A name for the computer has not yet been decided on.

Image and Source credit: Earth2Tech

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Guest Carl

Guest Carl


That's a really nice looking computer but I wonder if they can give us some idea of how many noxious chemicals are used in manufacturing the bamboo case. It would be awesome if the cases are made in an eco-friendly manner.

Guest Steve Barker

Guest Steve Barker


Not quite the first: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/03/asus_bamboo_eco.php http://www.treehugger.com/files/2006/04/bamboo_computer.php Lets hope Dell make the Ubuntu option available, and visible on their web-site.

Guest Julena

Guest Julena


Looks interesting. I second Carl -- I hope it's actually sustainable, and not loaded with so much chemicals that it doesn't make any difference...

Guest JSmith | Automaster Castle Rock

Guest JSmith | Automaster Castle Rock


I'm honestly getting sick of big companies trying to market themselves as green. I mean... come on who are they kidding. It is just a marketing scheme to try to get the green concious consumer hooked in when in reality, the company itself could care less about the environment.

Guest Guy

Guest Guy


Dell is horrible. Worst company ever, horrible customer support. You couldn't pay me to buy another. This is just Dells way to make a sale, they don't give a crap about the environment or their customers.

Guest Kevin

Guest Kevin


Now this is a cool idea. It probably won't get noticed as a desktop computer (mine is tucked away behind a desk door). But if this become a laptop so you can show it off to other people, I think that would be better.

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