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Some celebrities from the entertainment industry in the US got together in this video from the Sierra Club, America's oldest grassroots environmental organization, to thank President-Elect Obama "for the extraordinary leadership he has already demonstrated on environmental issues".

The celebrities, like Pierce Brosnan and Edward Olmos, (The only ones I recognised) talks about "policy issues that Barack Obama can begin addressing on day one in order to tackle global warming and start making the clean energy future a reality".

Watch the video:

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One question that pop-ups in my head after watching this video: You rarely hear about any celebrities, or "ordinary" people for that matter, which take direct non-violent action or protest against environmental polluters in USA. It seems much more protests are happening in Europe these days. Are Americans not interested enough in environmental topics, or are they too afraid to act? Or is it just the US media who fails to report about these actions?

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